Freshman Showcase
2015 - 2016
My Ultimate Goal
- Attend college and possibly beyond
- unsure of major or college
- Become a fully well-rounded individual
- Continue to educate myself and others
- Make a difference in the world
Who am I?
I am:
- A growing individual who is constantly changing
- A student with a passion for learning
- Hopeful about my future and willing to work to achieve my goals
I will be:
- A college graduate
- Someone who makes a difference in this world
- And so much more
The Near Future
- High school: find more passions and interests
- Wish to take Honors and AP classes throughout high school career
- Join clubs - active classmate
- Volunteer work
- Become a more active member of my church
How has Harper Shaped Me?
- helped me continue my passion for learning
- met new people and made new friends
- had new experiences
- opened my eyes to certain world problems/issues
- gained life skills - ready for high school
A Glance at Harper
- unique experience - moved in seventh grade
- favorite subjects: english, history, science, food science, choir
- strengths, weaknesses and studying habits
- presentations, procrastination, projects
- 4.0 GPA in seventh and eighth grade
My Freshman Year
About Me
Hobbies and Interests
favorite moments:
- Countries in Crisis project - World Geo
- World Language Fair
- Helping in the children's ministry
- Mythology Portfolio
other activities:
- Track and Field in seventh grade
- Operation Smile
- WEB leader
- born on March 5th, 2001 in San Jose, California
- moved from San Jose, CA to Vancouver, WA, to Diamond Bar, CA to Davis, CA
- mixed cultural background
- two siblings - an older sister and an older brother
- pets: one dog named Teddy
- Music
- Reading
- Going for runs
- Baking
- DIY crafts
- Greek mythology
- Social issues
- Science: psychology, anatomy, social science, etc.