Industrial Revolution
Improved steam Engine
Inventor: James Watt
Year: 1775
Inventor: Samuel F.B. Morse
Year: 1836
Spinning Jenny
Diesel Engine
Used for long range communication. Requires the user to know encoding messaging.
Inventor: James Hargreaves
Year: 1764
Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell
Year: 1876
First Steam Engine that acted as a separate conductor. Improvement design on the Newcomen Engine. It uses the Rankin cycle to preform.
The creation of the spinning jenny helps you spin wool, cloth, and other material to make cloths
Significance: Created the electric telegraph. Revolutionized long distance communication. It worked by transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. First sign of communication without pigeons .
Inventor: Rudolf Diesel
Year: 1892
Permits two way communication. Makes two or more people be heard directly.
Significance: It was improved upon. Faster production. First spinning wheel to be improved. Quality of product was better.
Significance: closely the same purpose and design as a Telegraph, but the telephone lets you hear directly to the receiver. Created to improve the telegraph. It is more capable for the receiver to hear.
It is an internal combustion engine. Small efficiency is avoided with this engine. Works on "constant pressure" cycle of gradual combustion and production of no audible knock.
Sewing Machine
Water Frame
Inventor: Elias Howe
Year: 1844
Inventor: Richard Arkwright
Year: 1769
Phonograph and 1st long-lasting incandescent light bulb
Converts water into energy. Reuses the water.
Transatlantic Cable
Cotton Gin
Inventor: Eli Whitney
Year: 1793
Inventor: Thomas Edison
Years: 1877-1879
It is used to stitch fabric together to make cloths. Invented to decrease the amount of sewing work in industrial buildings.
It is used to separate cotton from its seeds. Invented to increase productivity of cotton with less manual labor.
Inventor: Cyrus Field
Year: 1866
The phonograph is a record player. Allows you to record and reproduce sound.
Significance: Was the first water powered spinning frame. Reuses the water. Still used today. Use everyday objects with out the need for losing power.
The long-lasting light bulb lets you shine a room for a longer period of time.
Undersea cable running under the Atlantic ocean for Telegraph use. Used to get communication from the US to other European Countries.
significance: Patented the cotton gin. A machine that revolutionized the production of cotton by greatly speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber. By the 19th century cotton had become America's leading export despite its success.