Malayan Union
To minimize the cost of administration
To safeguard the interest of British
To unify the regions in Tanah Melayu and to increase the effevtiveness of administration
All of the Malay states, including Penang and Malacca were consolidated under the rule of British Governor
The Governor is assisted by the Federal Council and Federal Legislative Council
MU government based in Kuala Lumpur
Exception of Singapore and made the British Crown Colony under a British Governor
Principle of jus soli
Sovereignty of the Malay rulers abolished
Grant of citizenship by jus soli
Harold Mac Michael method of obtaining the Malay Rulers approval
MU formulated without obtaining the views of the Malays
Loss of sovereignty
The role of Dato 'Onn bin Jaafar
Support the former British administrative officers
Objection through the newspaper
Movement demonstrations
Opposition from the non-Malays