Media Studies
The study of:
- TV
- Film
- Music
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Games
- The Internet
and advertising
Have a look at this trailer for The Age of Ultron.
It is an example of what we call a Media Text:
In Media Studies, we learn to look past the obvious. When we look at a trailer like this, we will be asking:
- What is the purpose of the trailer?
- Who is it aimed at, and how do we know this?
- What has been done to make the trailer familiar?
- What has been done to make the trailer exciting?
Media is for people who don't like to take things at
face value. People who like to question.
It gives you the skills to be able to think for yourself
and make your own decisions on which media
messages to accept and which to ignore.
And when we're surrounded by media messages.
it's important not to be sucked in.
And because so many people DO get sucked in,
we get to question whether these messages
have a duty to be responsible.
in year 9
A number of termly projects
using blogger, photoshop, fireworks
and premiere chosen from a bank of assignments
which include the internet, film, tv and video games
Filming, blogging, advertising and analysing all aspects of communications and media.You will get to demonstrate your skills of analysis, research, planning and making media texts, individually and in groups.
Any questions please come
and find myself, Mrs Field, Mr Amato or Mr Thomas
any time, thanks for listening.
Any questions? Come and find me any time, thanks for listening Miss Brookes
and we'll look at why and how this became a youtube sensation overnight with over 110 million hits...