Young Adult Life
- Korean War, 1950, had to leave college 1951
- Met Janet Shearon after graduation from Purdue
- Job Hunt Air Force Base
Neil Armstrong: Young Flyer
In Conclusion
- Impact - Inspiration
- Recommendation
- Would you be daring enough to be the first person to set foot on Mars? Applications now being accepted!
- loved camping, science, and most of all, flying
- first flight - Tin Goose
- love for flying and flight science
- College Scholarship
- Explorers
- Colombus
- Cabrillo
- How Neil influenced history
- Reasons to admire him
- First Real Job: Rocket Scientist
- Air Force Base opening
- Married Janet 1956
- NASA 1962 2nd class astro. program - Gemini 8
- Can anyone guess the purpose of this mission? Crazy Sound?
Neil Armstrong:
Young Flier
Prezi Project
For my reading incentive project for 2015 I read about Neil Armstrong.
Return to Earth
- Apollo 11 Splashdown
- USS Hornet
- Hawaii, California, Washington DC
Apollo 11 Mission
- Crew
- Training
- Mission
- Moon Landing
Project By Cameron Cooper