Explain the difference between a principal and an agent. How does this difference create the ‘principal-agent problem’?
- Begg, D And Ward, D. (2007). Growth Strategies. In: Begg, D And Ward, D Economics For Business . 2nd Ed. Berkshire: Mcgraw-Hill Education. P. 169.
- Image - First Slide - Harvard Business Manager (2011) Prinicpal - Agent Theory. [Online] Available at: http://www.harvardbusinessmanager.de/heft/artikel/grossbild-590966-1358447.html (Date Accessed: 22nd November 2011)
- Begg, D And Ward, D. (2007). Growth Strategies. In: Begg, D And Ward, D Economics For Business . 2nd Ed. Berkshire: Mcgraw-Hill Education.
- Wit and Meyer (2004). Strategy – Process, Content, Context – An International Prospect. 3rd Edition. London: Thomson Learning
- International Energy Agency (2007) MIND THE GAP – Quantifying Principal-Agent Problems in Energy Efficiency, France, 2007. Stedi Media. [Online]. Available at: http://www.iea.org/textbase/nppdf/free/2007/mind_the_gap.pdf (Date Accessed: 22nd November 2011)
- Image - Fourth Slide - WordWorkersWorkshop(2011) Bridges. [Online] Available at: http://www.woodworkersworkshop.com/resources/index.php?cat=420 (Date Accessed: 22nd November 2011)
Who are Principals and Agents?
"A Principal is a person who hires an Agent to undertake work on their behalf." Begg And Ward (2007:169).
An Agent is hired to pursue the Principals interests.
Who is the Principal? Who is the Agent?
- Taxi Hire
- Travel Agents
- Home Insurance
- Possible negatives with all solutions.
- Gap needs to be bridged to bring Principal and Agent interests closer.
- Solutions dependent on business type.
What are the differences?
- Shareholders
- Cash exchanged for Shares
- Financial interest only
- Profit Maximisation
- Ownership of the company
- Managers
- Work (labour) exchanged for a salary
- Little financial interest in the business
- Personal perks. E.g. company car
- Run the company day-to-day
Principal - Agent Problem
and incentives
- Separation of ownership from control
- Moral hazards
- Agency costs
- Relationship type
Possible solutions
- Profit Sharing
- Efficiency wages
- Piece rate
- Pay
- More communication between Principals and Agents - change in relationship type.