"Crash" C-section with GETA
Working Together for Patient Safety
GI Changes
- INCREASED O2 Consumption
- Airway Changes
- Increased Abdominal Pressure
- Increased Progesterone
Increased Risk of GERD/Aspiration
Check Equipment
Goals for Urgent/Emergent C-Section with GETA
Rapid Sequence Induction
Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy (Key during induction)
- Cricoid Pressure
- Rules of Engagement
- Glidescope & Stylet
- Bougie
- Suction
- Circuit
- O2 Reserve
- Bag/Mask Equipment
- a-line setup/cable
- PIV setup/Central Line
- Safe Anesthetic
- Mother
- Fetus
- Expedient Delivery (OB)
- Effective/Efficient Teamwork
Preparation for GETA
Cardiovascular Changes
- Pre-O2
- Labs/Blood Typing?
- Positioning
- Ramp
- Sniffing
- Chin above Sternum
- Left Uterine Displacement