Proposed Structure
Next Steps
Road to Success:
January 14, 2014
Economic Development Restructuring
501c(3) Structure
Form New Organization
- Allow for increase in private funding
- Another entity eligible for grants
- Tax deductible contributions
- Merge the Dorchester County Economic Development Board with the Dorchester County Development Corporation to form an integrated public-private partnership organization
Consist of
Public-Private Representatives
- Public: County, Municipalities, Schools
- Private: Appointees from Chambers and the business community
It is important to have a cross section of community representation on the Board to make the connection between the needs of business and industry, as well as those that provide workforce and infrastructure to make them successful.
Allow for increase in private funding
Another entity eligible for grants
tax deductible contributions
Next Steps
Set goals & objectives for new board
County Council approves formation of the new organization
EDB recommends dissolution to County Council
DCDC agrees to dissolve and transfer new assets to the new organization
Both groups recommend new structure to County Council
Formulate by-laws for new partnership
Conduct fundraising campaign
Two Organizations
Current Structure
How did we get here?
- Bureaucracy in approval of incentives
- Limitations on private fundraising
- Budget constraints
- Recommendation for Strategic Plan
- Committee appointed by current stakeholders
- Review of various EDO structures by Crystal Morphis
- Best practices session with Jerry Howard, President & CEO of the Greenville Area Development Corporation
Checking the Boxes
ACS Staff Member
Proposed Structure
Level 1: Public Sector Members
- County Council: Two members of Council appointed by County Council for a two-year term, limited to two consecutive terms.
- County Administrator
- Municipal Seat: One seat for the municipalities of Dorchester County that will be chosen based on geographic areas of the County and rotated annually. Geographic regions are:
Summerville/North Charleston
St. George/Reevesville
Mayors of the region to choose between the two municipalities which
Mayor is seated on the board.
Level 2: Private Sector Members
Level 3: Ex Officio (Non-Voting) Seats
- Education: Two seats reserved for the Chairman or Superintendent of Dorchester District Two and District Four.
- Two seats reserved for the CEO's of the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Summerville/Dorchester Chamber of Commerce.
- Initial board will be larger and consist of current EDB & DCDC members.
- Selected by a nominating committee and approved by the Board of Directors
- Two-year terms, with a two-consecutive term limit
Organizational Development
- Organizational steering committee has met
and developed a recommendation.
Business Retention & Expansion
- Hosting first BRE team meeting this year
- Completed workforce study of existing industry
- Developed testimonial videos for the website
- Developed mobile linkages to testimonial videos
- Attended trade shows with Allies in target areas
Product Development
- Water and sewer to the Winding Woods Commerce Park is
under construction and estimated to be completed in March 2013.
- A sewer diversion project for the Ridgeville area is currently in the design and engineering phase to provide service to the Ridgeville Commerce Park.
- Currently working to identify "Priority Investment Areas" within the County for retail and commercial development
- Currently negotiating with a developer to build a speculative
building in the Pine Hill Business Campus
Business & Education Partnerships
- Developed Work Ethic pilot program to be implemented this semester at Woodland High School and DCCTC
Retail Recruitment & Development
- Hired Community Development Manager to focus on implementation of retail strategy and recruitment