Camera Angles
High Angle
Video Clip
Eye level
Low Angle
Where was it set?
- Andy's bedroom
- Andy's front yard
- All’s high-rise Apartment
- All’s Toy Barn
- Airport
- Andy's bedroom
When was it made?
Pixar Animation Studios in Richmond, California.
Impact it had on me
- Realizing how much friendship really means.
- To be needed and to be loved and wanted by someone.
- To be able to trust your friends and rely on them when you need them, and they need you.
- Never give up and just keep going because friendship isn’t always easy.
- Important to have friends, so you can take care of each other.
Summery of the movie
- The adventures of toys Woody and Buzz Lightyear continue when their owner Andy goes off to cowboy camp.
- Obsessive greedy toy collector kidnaps Woody because he is a highly valuable collector's item.
- Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex and Hamm, all leap into action to rescue Woody.
- There is plenty of excitement and fun as the toys get into one situation after another to get home before Andy returns from camp.
Thank you for watching
Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Family and Fantasy.
By Melissa Wain 7MP
Sequel of Toy Story and outshines the original
Date: 19/05/13
Time: 12:13 PM
Date: 19/05/13
Time: 12:20 PM
Date: 19/05/13
Time: 12:26 PM
Date: 26/05/13
Time: 3:08 PM
Date: 26/05/13
Time: 4:40 PM
Screen Shots
Where the action takes place
Close up
Where I saw it?
- Toys go on a mission to rescue Woody and bring him back home to Andy.
- The adventure had lots of risks and fun times.
- They stuck together and worked as a team.
The selected scene I chose
- Scenes 26-27
- It shows a lot about friendship
- Woody has to choose between his new friends who need him or his old friends who want him to return home with them.
- Buzz reminds Woody that “life is only worth living if your loved by someone”.
- friendship and trust are important even though you are a toy.