- Jesus is the Son of God.
- Belief in Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Crucifixion, resurrection, ascention is proof of Jesus' love.
- Belief in him and acception of him brings eternal life after death.
- Forgives all sins made by humans.
- Jesus conceived by Holy Spirit and virgin Mary.
- God created everything seen and unseen.
C & J
C & I
- Belief in Jesus.
- New Testament.
- Bible.
- God sent prophets
- Follow rules.
- Belief in Angels of God.
- Belief in ONE God.
- Hopeful about the future.
- Divine human encounter.
I & J
- Three main branches of Juduaism.
- After King Soleman's death, the jews split in two.
- Learn to read ancient Hebrew.
- Language of Torah is Hebrew
- Isa, Yahya, & Muhammad as prophets.
- Oldest of Abrahamic religion.
- Their origin is The Levant.
- Allah
- Prophets
- Adam was first prophet.
- Muhammad is profit by God.
- God is Allah.
- Allah created man fro a single blood clot.
- Islam means "surrender" or "submission".
- Muslims pray 5 times a day.
- Originated in Middle east.
- 95% of population is Muslim.
Abrahamic Faiths Venn Diagram