Action Plan
We have discussed:
- Different aspects of Malta tourism
- Why Ghadira beach
- Current issues
- Strategies in place
- Recommendations
Transport -
Sand Dunes -
Sea life preservation -
Alternating zones of activities
Utilization of urban areas -
Any Questions?
Current Environmental Issues
Sea life
Ghadira Beach
- Environmental issues associated with Ghadira beach
Decline of sea because:
- There are many other beaches on the Island such as Ghajn Tuffieha, however Ghadira is the most popular especially with tourists.
- Transport
- Sand Dunes
- Sea Life
BirdLife Malta (2013)
Virtual Tour of Malta (2012)
Malta Malta Malta (nd)
Nature Trust Malta (nd)
WWF Global (2013)
Butler 1989, cited in Mason 2003 p.29
Sand Dunes
Times of Malta (2013)
Independent (2013)
Current Beach Strategies
Blue Flag Beach:
Current Eco-Friendly Processes
P Dingli (2013) Personal meeting with K Desira, March 13.
Blue Flag Beach Criteria (2013)
Future Goals
Malta Tourism
Aspects of Malta Tourism
Malta promotes itself through different forms of tourism
The UK is the highest source of tourists for Malta
Environmental Tourism Policy Frameworks for Malta 2012-2016:
- The co-existence of tourism and the environment for bettering the societies well-being.
- Minimising resource use and contribute to a low-carbon for a resourcful eco-efficient economy.
- Monitoring and taking necessary measures to reduce the negative
impacts on the environment by tourists.
Malta is heavily directing its planning processes towards sustainable
goals, merging the following processes for better quality outcomes
similiar to Colin M Hall's (2000) processes:
- Development planning
- Adaptive planning
Tourism Policy for the Maltese Island (2012)
Colin M Hall (2000)
Ministry for Tourism, Culture and the Environment (2012)
Malta Weather (2013)