- I agree with the United States' action because they wanted to help cuba and wanted foreign trade with them
- The United States tend to help those that can return the favor, exemplified in this foreign trade
- Even before 1898, The United States was interested in purchasing Cuba.
- There has been a lot of trade
- The US had more than $50 million invested in annual trade with Cuba
- After the explosion of the USS Marine, things moved swiftly to world war
- It also made the US a world power and illustrated its dominance
Countries Involved:
- spain
- United States Of America
Foreign Policy Timeline -
The Spanish American War
- The United States used the tool of Military to pursue this foreign policy action.
- To help Cuba with their interdependence the United States used military action
- Examples: the battle of Manila Bay, and the battle of Guantanamo Bay
Date Of Event:
April 25 - August 12 1898
- The Spanish American War falls under the foreign policy action of National Secuity
- This is the most important part of SHINE
- The United States wanted to protect Cuba from Spain when they wanted their independence
- The Spanish American war was a conflict between Spain and the United States about overseas possesions and the United States' want to expand overseas.
- The war was provoked due to knowledge about Spanish colonial brutality in Cuba.
- It was the result of an American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence