Our goals for 2013-2014
Direct educational projects: 3
Tap Water
Project groups will work closely with Chair of Projects and Volunteering
- Seek funding for projects
- Work on the annual report
- Work on our blogs
- Establishing partnerships
- Create benefits for our active members
Mission and Vision of
Believe In Zero
(BIZ )
1. Reach our annual goal of funds raised for UNICEF U.S
2, Create an inspirational environment for our members
3. Promote the tremendous impact on suffering children of every single penny we raise
Support UNICEF's projects
No one can survive without water. Today, nearly 4,000 children under the age of five die of water-borne diseases. Through the UNICEF Tap Project and your social network, you can help stop these needless deaths.
Global Citizen Festival
On September 28, at a concert in New York’s Central Park, people will join together to send out a resounding call for a world without extreme poverty and a world without needless child deaths.
The U.S. Fund for UNICEF, Alicia Keys, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Stevie Wonder and millions of Global Citizens will unite in asking our government to make a financial commitment to end preventable child deaths around the world.
Believe in Zero
UNICEF Initiative Club at Cornell College
How do we structure?
What does the rest of the E-board do?
Long term project
Mile of Change
We are seeking creative members who are able to turn their ideas into reality
You will need to follow our step-to-step process in order for us to agree to carry out that project
2 Easy steps!!!!
1. Complete a project proposal ( template provided)
2. Waiting for us to comfirm !
Who are on our board?
Vice President
Chair of Finance
Chair of Administrator
Chair of Projects and Volunteering
Nguyet Minh Hoang '16