a relatively slight sin that that does not entail damnation of the soul.
How this Commandment connects to my Life
Every night pray to god before I sleep thanking him for what he gave me.This connects to my life because his the only god I worship.
In Roman Catholic moral theology, a sin considered to be more severe or mortal is distinct from a venial sin and must meet all of the following conditions: Its subject must be a grave (or serious) matter. It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense.
You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols
How this commandment connect to my life?
This commandment connects to my life by going to church almost very Sunday.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
It is saying that you should not worship any other god before him.
It means that you should not have any favorites of gods
Go to church every Sunday to worship god and to keep it holy.
How this Commandment connects to my life
I have no Idols not even are god that we worship.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
I challenge the people today to honor your mother and father?
The solution to this is respect them every single day their decisions and even though they are in a bad mood don't bug them.
Honor your father and your mother
It is saying that when people curse don't put "God" in it.
To Honor your mother and father you must be respectful in action and words.
How this commandment connect to my life
When I say Dammit means that i forgot something or messed up.I don't add "God" in it.
How this commandment connects to my life?
This commandment connects to my life because I respect my parents in their decisions because they know what is best for me.
Example of a Social sin
Polluting the environment by throwing your trash away.Like out side the park but not in a trash bag.
Drug Abuse using illegal drugs and selling them.
You shall not covet
The sinfulness of society into which a person is born. Its premise is that modern socialization and collectivization have immersed everyone in other people's values and moral actions to an unprecedented degree.
You shall not covet means that we should shut out our desires for whatever does not belong to us.
I challenge the people on my grade and up to commit adultery until they are on a certain age of doing so.
The solution to this is don't get tempted to do this kind of things even though some of your friends may do it.Because every thing you has a consequence.
How this commandment connects to my life?
This connects to my life because I don't kill.But In a Game that I play I have killed about 7000 people.I don't think That counts.
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery.
How this commandment connects to my life?
I don't get6 jelous of anyone.
This is saying that don't murder people because they only have one life to live.
You shall not commit adultery means that Don't do any adultery stuff.
I challenge the people my age around the world to not lie to your neighbor.
The solution to this is say the truth but before saying it think of the right way to say it.but even though they might not believe you at least you didn't lie in gods ear.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
This commandment is saying that you should not be lying to your neighbors.
5 Ways to develop your Conscience
You shall not steal
1. Study, pray and practice the Scriptures in your daily life. The word of God will lead you and be one of the most defining things in forming your conscience.
2. Receive the Eucharist. At Mass, our way of thinking is focused on the "life-giving sacrifice of Jesus". The love of God and that communion with Him strengthens our desire to seek truth and act in a moral way.
3. Examine your conscience. See where you are. Start with the commandments. Do you live each one the way you should?
4. Go to reconciliation. Do it and mean it.
5. Pray. Pray everyday.
You shall not steal means Don't take stuff from people and not give it back because that could happen to you too as well.
How this commandment connects to my life?
I don't steal because if you make the wrong move you could end up in jail and live the rest of your in that boring place.