Asymmetric Reduction and Oxidation of Aromatic Ketones & ALcohols Using W110ASecondary Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus
Chemicals Used Originally
wild-type TESADH: Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus
- thermally unstable
- cannot resolve the phenyl ring-containing substrate
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Introducing W110A TESADH
Biocatalytic Process:
- less hazardous (how it's environmentally friendly)
- easily produced at low cost
- can be carried out in mild conditions (not cause other side conditions)
- less energy consuming
- some enzymes can be thermally unstable
- limited solubility of the organic substrate in water (leads to larger reaction volumes)
New mutant of the TESADH found: W110A TESADH
- alanine substituted tryptophan-110 --> accommodates the phenyl ring-containing substrate
(add structure)
The Experiment
General procedure for...
- Asymmetric reduction of phenyl ring-containing ketones
- kinetic resolution of phenyl ring-containing racemic alcohols
Determination of Absolute Configuration
Purpose of the research:
- an attempt in establishing enantioselective routes to enantiomerically pure compounds
- finding the most effective catalyst to produce optically active alcohols
- observe the new mutant of the wild type TESADH: W110A TESADH
By Win Le, Jenny Dao, Brenda Fandrey, Edi Yapi