Type of Measure
The RCMAS-2 is a brief self-report measure designed to be useful in the understanding and treatment of anxiety problems that students experience.
- updated version of original RCMAS developed by Reynolds and Richmond, 1978
- updated
- new standardization sample
- broadened content coverage
- improved support for interpretation of results
- changes in perception of children in the 21st century regarding their experience of anxiety (Reynolds & Richmond, 2008)
- social anxiety
- performance anxiety
About the Measure
- self-report screening instrument
- designed for use with children ages 6 to 19 years old
- 49 Yes or No statements
- Group or Individual administration
- Short Form Available
Short Form
- only first 10 items are administered
- less than 5 minutes
- limited amount of completion time
- brief measure of total anxiety
- research
- large group screening
Normative Sample Cont'd...
Norms stratified:
- ages 6-8
- ages 9-14
- ages 15-19
6 Scales
Normative Sample
- Defensiveness (DEF) Scale
- Inconsistent Responding (INC) Scale
- Total Anxiety (TOT) Scale
- Physiological Anxiety (PHY) Scale
- Worry (WOR) Scale
- Social Anxiety (SOC) Scale
- 2,368 individuals
- Age range: 6 to 19 years
- Representative of the U.S. population in terms of key demographic variables
- Performance Anxiety
- cluster of 10 content-based items
Convergent Validity -
-.45 to .68 correlation with CDI
-moderate correlations were expected as constructs of depression and anxiety overlap in area of negative affectivity
Discriminant Validity -
--.37 to .32 with Conners' parent and teacher rating forms in same sample of children with ADHD
Internal Reliability
– the degree to which all the items on a scale consistently measure the same construct
- total anxiety reliability - .92
- scaled scores reliability - .75 to .86 (Reynolds & Richmond, 2008)
Can be either hand scored or entered into the RCMAS-2 computer program for scoring
- Raw Scores - tally responses entered in each column
- Total Anxiety Raw Score
- Select profile sheet
Scoring, cont'd...
- scores of 60 and below are considered in the normal range
- scores of 61-70 are considered in the moderate range
- scores of 71 or higher are considered in the high range
Test-Retest Reliability
- The scores from Time 1 and Time 2 can then be correlated in order to evaluate the test for stability over time
- .64 to .74 across total and sub scales (Reynolds & Richmond, 2008)
- examined using test-retest intervals of 2 weeks in a sample of 1,618 school-age children (Ang, Lowe, & Yusof, 2011)
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale , Second Edition (RCMAS-2)
Kathleen Policastro