Going forward as a Creative
- Moving forward as a creative I have a few simple goals to help me close the gap.
- Create a more detailed running log. Running is one of the most important aspects of my life and if I artifact that it will become more natural to artifact in other aspects of life
- Use the heuristics on projects in other classes. If I start using that as my default method of problem solving they will become more instinctive
- Document my questioning. Since the beginning of this class I have become a much more curious person. Documenting those questions and then running heuristics on them could produce some very cool outcomes.
The Gap
- Unfortunately the only advice I was given going into this class was "it is a good class but there is no need to buy in to everything."
- My creative gap stemmed from that statement because it took me about half of the semester to figure out that wasn't the right attitude.
- I am to the point now where I recognize the importance of the heuristics
- However the only heuristic that I use instinctively is questioning.
- The gap is between knowing the importance of using the heuristics and instinctively turning to the heuristics when I need to solve not just a creative problem, but any problem.
Outside of the Classroom Heuristics
- This was another huge step forward in becoming a greater creative person
- Yes I have been using the things that we learned in class outside of class but this is the first time that I formally used a heuristic to solve a problem outside of class
- I am not yet to the point where I encounter a problem outside of class and instinctively resort to a heuristic however they are in my toolbox and I am using them
Portfolio Process
- I put the portfolio creative process in here because it is in a way the coming together of all of the skills
- My own creative thoughts
- Heuristics
- I tried the idea box. Not sure if I was using it right but as of now I do not like this one
- Artifacting
- This process gave me a lot of different routes that I could have taken with this project and helped me stray away from my first right answer
Portfolio Process
Creative Press
- This was a turning point in the class for me
- Like usual I got a ton of ideas when you brought this up in class
- This time I went home and wrote down all of my thoughts. I used no specific heuristics I just let it all flow
- What I came up with was a much more enjoyable workspace
- I even learned more about how I worked during the process
- I originally thought that I liked to pet my dog while I worked but once she moved from the bed to under the desk I realized that I just wanted to bounce ideas off of her
Creative Press Process
Mt. Creativity
Creative Press
Elevator Image
Elevator Image Process
- I did two things right as far as the creative process with the Elevator Image
- Iteration
- I only iterated once so far but there are more to come
- First artifacted use of heuristics
- Tried out the word dance
- Not a huge fan
- Did end up deciding that the quote said what I was trying to say with "procedural management" so I threw it out
- I really think I am on the right track with this one so the next step is to work with a graphic designer. Expect another iteration soon.
Creative Progress
Elevator Image
Zack McBride
starts turning
Creativity Wheel
- The Creativity Wheel was a step in the right direction
- I spent a lot of time thinking about how to do this differently
- I remember going back and forth between how many squares I would use for the ranking system
- However I did not artifact those thoughts whatsoever
- This project was an eye opener for my weaknesses though
- Documenting
- Doing things in a different way
C4 Paper
C4 Paper
- I did very little as far as the creative process with the C4
- In fact the most creative part was the amount of times that I failed to make the pile of crap I turned in
- That process is as follows
- Die clay using tip of brown marker
- Break open brown market to get all of the ink
- Mix together all colors and hope it comes out brown. It came out blue
- Spray paint the damn thing
- This was a great example of risk and failure considering it took so many iterations and it stained my hands black for a week
C4 Paper Process
Failure Resume
Add my
- My failure resume is a failure
- I did not use any heuristics on this assignment
- Dr. Friedman said it was okay and could have been presented better
resume to my
failure resume