Interscholastic Athletics
Interscholastic Athletics
Combination of sport offering whereby boys and girls can elect to participate in athletics at the high school level
- Individual state associations started developing and giving interscholastic athletics a more formalized governance in the early 1900's.
- The associations developed broad and sport specific standard, rules and policies.
- NFHS - to protect the athletic interests of high schools belonging to the various state associations and to promote pure amateur sport. Established in 1921.
- Today all 50 states and 22 additional members are part of the association.
Florida High School Athletic Association
Minnesota State High School League
University Interscholastic League
- No other level of sport has as many participants, sports teams or athletic programs as interscholastic sport does.
- High need for coaches and administrators
- Contributes over $15 billion to the sport industry in the united states
- 52% of high school students who attended public schools participated in athletics
- Plays a role in the community by providing sports entertainment and serving as a prominent source of community well being.
Ethics in Interscholastic Athletics
- Department Action and Mission
- Funding Interscholastic Athletics
- Prayer and praise
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Excessive Celebration
Values of Interscholastic Athletic Programs
Issues Facing Interscholastic Athletics
- Athletics support the academic mission of schools
- Athletics are inherently educational
- Athletics foster success later in life
- Some conflicting views to think about
- Athletic programs distort educational values with the school culture
- athletic programs create too many additional pressures on student-athletes
- Student-athletes tend to be privileged over other athletes
- Experiences and certified athletics administrators
- Budgetary constraints
- Coach turnover and exiting
- Recruitment and retention of officials
- Participation options
- Fair play
- Transfers
- Parents
- Media in interscholastic sports