- Student Oral Language Observation Matrix
- This test is made up of observational activities.
- The teacher scores the student based on continuous observation in a variety of situations.
- There are five parts comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar.
- The student is given a score of 1-5 in each domain with a possible score of 25.
- A score of 19 or 20 is considered proficient.
- The SOLOM is more observational than assessment.
- The SOLOM is continuous throughout the year, where as the CELDT is once a year the beginning of the year.
- The SOLOM is observed in a variety of situations where as the CELDT is given in a classroom-like setting only.
- The CELDT gives measurable data where as the SOLOM gives approximate scores.
- The CELDT is taken by the student, and the SOLOM is scored by the teacher (student is unaware of being observed).
- The CELDT tests on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, whereas the SOLOM tests on comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.
- It's a test given to student that are identified as English language learners in grades K-12
- Students are required to take the CELDT every year until they test out if there is another language spoken at home other than English.
- This test is given at the beginning of the year.
- It measures the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
- Listening and speaking only grades K-1
Which is easier to administer?
Which would
we administer?
- The SOLOM is more time consuming for a teacher or administrator.
- They have to seek out the student in variety of environments and times.
- The CELDT is easier from a teachers perspective.
- Students are pulled out and assessed once a year.
- We would choose to use both assessments because they both assess different aspects of a students English language development.
- The CELDT is important to initially classify the student and the SOLOM is used to measure the ELL students progress throughout the year.
Why is it easier?
- The CELDT is easier because it requires less time for teachers.
- The SOLOM is easier for the students because they do not know they are being tested.
Which is a more accurate assessment of student progress in language acquisition?
- In a students progress with English development the SOLOM seems to be more accurate.
- It is an assessment that is given throughout the whole year. The CELDT test is only given once a year.
"2011-10-05 Tier Placement Video FINAL." 2011-10-05 Tier Placement Video FINAL. University of Wisconsin, 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.
Chico, Jerry J. "Illinois State Board of Education Home Page." Illinois State Board of Education Home Page. N.p., 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.
Díaz-Rico, Lynne T. The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook: A Complete K-12 Reference Guide. Boston: Pearson Education, 2014. Print.
"Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM) | MC3." Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM) | MC3. Mid-Continent Comprehensive Center, 2014. Web. 12 May 2014.
Which is more accurate?
- Both are used to assess English Language Learners.
- Both give a score to classify ELL students.
- Both assessments try to monitor the students capability of thier language development.
- The CELDT gives measurable, accurate data that can be used to initially classify the ELL student.
- The SOLOM can give teachers an idea of how the ELL student is progressing throughout the year.
Why is it more accurate?
- The CELDT is more accurate in providing the initial assessment for the ELD students. The CELDT also provides accurate measurable data.
- The SOLOM is interpretative by the instructor. Although, it does provide multiple situations to observe the student in their natural environment.