Structure Failures:Versailles Wedding Hall Disaster
The Versailles Wedding Hall Disaster Pictures
Eli Ron - The man who invented the Pal-Kal method
Sentenced to 4 years in jail
Background Information
- 4th floor of the Versailles Wedding hall fell down
- The wedding hall was located in Talpiot, Jerusalem
- The incident happened on May 24, 2001 at 10:43 p.m. It came down on Keren and Asaf Dror's wedding on a Thursday evening.
- 23 dead and 360 injured
- 700 people escaped, including the bride and groom
- Worst civil disaster that ever happened in Israel
Versailles Wedding Hall-Video of the Structure Failure
- Found 23 people dead in the rubble
- 700 people helped out and called for help
- 3 people were announced alive
- wedding hall owners were convicted
Thank You For Listening To My Presentation!
- Katie.N
Cause Of the Failure
Cause Of Failure part.2
- Thought it was a terrorists attack, but it was really because of the bad design of the structure
- Caused by the Pal-Kal method, which was to have thin, light-weighted ceilings
- The building was too heavy for the base, so the owners installed the Pal-Kal ceilings to the third floor
- This was not a good idea, due to the fact that there was a third floor
- Owners decided to remove the partitions to create a more open space
- The walls were load-bearing walls and this made the floor above, sag
- The owners thought it was a small problem and did not know the consequences
- the next day, The floor collapsed into the third floor
- The Pal-Kal inventor and 3 other people involved in the construction were arrested and were to have prison sentences for death and sabotage by negligence
- wedding hall destroyed by bad design-supposed to be 2 structures, pal-kal method is not effective and owners should have left the partitions
- Should have used a thicker ceiling material
- The building has now been knocked down and people are to be cautioned of the Pal-Kal ceiling method