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Comedy and Tragedy In Ancient Greece

Writers of Greek Comedy

  • After the rise of Greek Tragedy came the era of greek Comedy
  • Many known Greek playwrights of Comedy
  • Influenced many different groups of people
  • Politicians, Artists, and philosophers
  • Most known include Menander and Aristophanes



  • Born and lived his life in Athens
  • Sometimes moved with his dad for a year or two but always went back to Athens
  • Born somewhere between between 460 and 450 BCE
  • Dead approximately between 386 and 380 BCE
  • Was found and inspired by Plato
  • We can see this through some of his work
  • One of the reasons he started doing theater
  • Also one of the most known writers of Greek Comedy
  • Known as "The Supreme Poet of Greek New Comedy"
  • Made more than 100 plays of which 8 of them won in Athenian Festivals
  • Born on the year 342 and died in the year 292 BCE
  • Influenced many people around the worked
  • roman writers such as Plautus and Terence
  • European comedy that has changed greatly because of the work of this man

By Ghali El Bardai, Driss Haddadi, Adan Kossale

Quick Overview:

  • Background Info
  • Greek Comedy
  • Greek Tragedy
  • Writers of Comedy
  • Writers of Tragedy
  • Similarities
  • Differences
  • Video
  • Quiz

Tragedy In Ancient Greece

Differences Between Comedy and Tragedy

  • Created in Athens in the year 532 BC
  • It was a popular type of drama at that time and it started from the 6th century BC
  • It all started in Athens
  • People suggest that it comes from the worship of Dionysos and the sacrifice of goats
  • The ritual song is called "trag-ōdia" and it means "tragedy" in greek
  • There was a limitation in the actors on stage for equality between poets in competition

Writers of Greek Tragedy

The main differences are the way problems are handled and the consequences that the characters get. Characters in comedy are ordinary and most likely to be people of everyday. Tragedy has royalties and characters being superhuman and semi-divine. The protagonist, the comic hero, tend to be a day to day character but with a willingness to change and learn. In tragedy, the protagonist, tragic hero, is from a royalty, a divine, or a nobleman that shows unwillingness to change. Comedy has a easy, happy tone; tragedy has a solemn and ominous tone. Conflicts and language in tragedy are taken very serious and formally which creates a non humorous/ serious mood. Comedy has a happy, entertaining, smooth ending which is different from a depressing ending that tragedies have.

  • Writers of Greek Tragedy have started the Greek theater world that has kept expanding throughout the years
  • The three starters of Greek Theater are Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides




  • Aeschylus was known as the father of Greek Tragedy
  • He has written more or less 90 plays
  • About 50% of his plays won in Athenian Festivals
  • Born on the year 525 BCE
  • Died in the year 456 BCE
  • His most famous play was called Prometheus
  • In this play Titan has to endure a punishment by Zeus for the reason that he has given "humanity the gift of fire"
  • One of the most known Greek playwrights
  • Some of his works are still known today
  • Include Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Women of Trachis
  • Born on the year 496 BCE
  • Dead in the year 406 BCE
  • Sophocles most of the time performed in threes
  • Preferred to perform in groups of threes in the Athenian Festivals
  • He was the first to think of using colored masks
  • Before, everyone used to use only plain white masks
  • He was known for his different style compared to other playwrights
  • His plays have bizarre questions, letting his audience hanging, and puts immoral characters in his plays
  • Immoral characters change the story completely compared to other plays like that of Sophocles and Aeschylus
  • Born on the year 484 BCE
  • Died in the year 407 BCE
  • Euripides has written about 90 plays
  • But, compared to his fellow playwrights he has only won a couple of festival competitions because of his different style

Comedy In Ancient Greece

  • Created 6th Century BCE
  • This originated from pottery as the designs were people acting and dressing up in exaggerated costumes
  • It started as a "parados" where 24 performers would go on stage and perform songs and dance routines
  • Actors had to change quickly since they had multiple roles
  • They would also use recognisable masks as slaves or gods like "Hercules"

Background Information

  • Three most important types of theater in Greece
  • Satyr, drama, comedy, and tragedy
  • Theater was very very serious to them
  • They learned new things from it
  • Also a way of entertainment
  • Greek theater was created in Athens
  • Athens was very known for Theater Festivals where many great playwrights were reunited
  • Characters in Greek plays most of the time had masks
  • Each mask symbolizes a different person
  • These masks had very exaggerated facial expressions
  • Used to intrigue the audience

Similarities between Comedy and Tragedy

Quick Quiz

Greek Theater Video

Both tragedy and comedy contains a problem in the beginning that affects everyone; but in comedy, problems get less significant.

Characters in both tragedy and comedy are mainly royal families and farmers. Both genres, must solve problems facing them in the story and must search for a solution to these problems.

1. Where was greek theater created?

2. Who were the two most known Comedy playwrights?

3. Who were the three most known Tragedy playwrights?

4. When were comedy and tragedy created?

5. What are the three different typed of theater in Greece?

6. Why did characters in Greek plays have masks?

7. Give one similarity and one difference between Greek Tragedy and Comedy?

8. Which playwright was known as "The Father of Greek Tragedy"?


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