Florida A & M University
Office of Property Records
Any item(s), regardless
of age, cost, origin,
source of funding, or
Office of Property Records
Picture of warehouse
- Off Campus privileges must be approved by employees' supervisors
- Request of two or more of the same item requires justification
- Approval from Title III and/or
Located at the Physical
Plant Operations Building B
Monitors and Tracks University Equipment
condition, must be disposed of by the Property Office
Each department should appoint a Property Designee to track and monitor property assigned to his or her respective areas
Off Campus
Contract and Grant required if asset is purchased with these funds
- Property inventory is conducted once every fiscal year (July 01 - June 30) of all items worth more than $ 5,000
- All items are scanned with a hand-held computer
Phone: (850) 599-3678
Fax: (850) 561-2607
2380 Wahnish Way
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Regular Business Hours:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday
Picture of Yellow OFC Decal
What We Do
Property Designee Role
Mission Statement
- Liaison between:
- Designee's department
- Office of Property Records
- Moving and Setup
- Performs risk assessments on property specifically at risk or vulnerable to loss
To ensure that all University tangible assets are properly recorded and accounted for in accordance with the Federal, State, and University regulations
- Lock equipment in secure locations
- Track items that are removed from campus
- Maintain a property database
- Affix custodial responsibility to end user(s) for all assets assigned to the department
- Example: Tag 111222 Dell CPU Laverne Washington Room 201B
Property Designee Sample Database
Relocation Request must be completed and Moving and Setup will remove/relocate equipment
Report of Survey and
Police Report needed
The Property Office and Risk Management must ensure that all content is properly insured
Relief of Accountability
Moving and Setup Picture
Any equipment that is lost, stolen, or otherwise unaccounted for must be reconciled on a Report of Survey form
Pictures of hard drives in the warehouse
Usable and functioning surplus assets are recycled within the University at no cost to the requesting department
What is "Property"?
Hard Drives
Picture of Section D Warehouse
Equipment is maintained by the Property Office
Requesting department responsible for ensuring devices containing storage media are sanitized
Foundation Purchases
- The University Foundation Office receives item donations and gifts
- This office notifies the Office of Property Records when a donation or gift is received and accepted on behalf of the University
- Assets are then tagged accounted for in the same manner as purchased assets.
- Equipment, fixtures, and other tangible personal property
- Life of which is one year (12 months) or more
- Non-consumable or non-expendable
- Items worth $5,000 or more per unit according to Florida State Statute Chapter 273: Operations Capital Outlay (OCO)
- You must notify the Office of Property Records within five (5) days of your receipt of newly acquired equipment to be tagged and/or installed
Property Employees Tag Asset(s) at the
Central Receiving Warehouse
Write Offs
Items previously written off will be reinstated
Property Representative and Property Designee must verify and sign documents
Red Tags
For items worth $ 100.00 to $ 999.00
Title III Tags
Konica Minolta Bizhub C654
Code as OCO
Software license fees considered taggable assets if:
- Total dollar amount is greater than $5,000
- Covers more than one year (12 months)
University Property Bar Code
Trade - Ins
= 1 unit should be coded OCO
For items bought with Title III and Federal Funds
For all University assets worth more than $1,000
Konica Printer:
$ 4,500.00
- All employees must account for University-owned property entrusted in their care upon separating from the University
- Accountable Officers, Deans, Directors, Chairpersons are responsible for their entire respective programs
- Any debt owed to the University must be settles prior to employee's departure
- Departments are responsible for clearing individual employees
Show a picture of a FAMU WHITE Tag
Departments are able to trade in University-purchased assets towards the purchase of other assets
Requires Property Office and Property Survey Board approval