Where Information
- Mr.Tokhi 's handout Dark Age
- Mr.Tokhi 's handout Archaic Age
- Mr.Tokhi 's handout Classical Age
- http://www.ancient-greece.org/history/dark-ages.html
- http://www.ancient-greece.org/history/archaic.html
The Dark Age
The Classical Age
- Most of the men couldn't go because of work so they made a council of 500 men to attend *
- After a big fight between the Athenians vs. Spartans and Persians together the Sparta and Persians won and the Classical Age was over *
- The Dark Age was approximately 950 BC to 750 BC*
- Due to large fires in the cities, most citizens were forced out of normal civilization and back to farming and herding *
Mr.Tokhi 's handout "Classical Age" *
http://www.ancient-greece.org/history/dark-ages.html *
The Stages of Greece
The Classical Age
The Dark Age
The Dark Age, The Archaic
Age, The Classical Age
- In 510 BC an aristocrat named Cleisthenes invented Democracy *
- He made an Assembly for people to gather and vote on what to do *
Mr.Tokhi 's handout "Classical Age" *
- Most of the Dark Age Greeks were from Greek cities and moved to Turkey because of bad living conditions *
- The Greeks learned to write again *
Mr.Tokhi 's handout "Dark Age" *
By: Emily Garrett
The Archaic Age
- They trade with the West Asia and learned the alphabet *
- The Greeks had so many people that they to send groups to make colonies *
- The Archaic Age was from 700 BC to 480 BC *
- In this period there were three classes of people: Citizens, Foreign Residents, and Slaves *
Mr.Tokhi 's handout "Archaic Age" *
http://www.ancient-greece.org/history/archaic.html *