Chemical Composition of LNG
LNG Technical Details
Methane CH4 87%
Ethane C2H6 3%
Propane C2H8 5%
Butane C4H10 3%-4%
Nitrogen N2 0.1% - 1%
Minimal Traces of Other Hydrocarbons
How It Happend at 2:30pm?
- Can only burn in the presence of air and in vapor form
- 5% to 15% volume concentrations in air
- LNG can be compresses to a small fraction of its original volume (approximately 1/600)
- Autoignition Temperature of 599 Degrees Celsius
Take Home Message
Damage and Cost
What Happend at 3:00pm?
- Destroyed 79 houses, 2 factories, 217 automobiles, 7 trailers, and 1 tractor
- $8 Million dollars worth of damage
Failure Causes
- Material Choice
- Human Error
- Poor Environmental Analysis
Aftermath Picture
Background Details
- Started as a Gas Leak (Liquified Natural Gas)
- Occurred in Cleveland, Ohio
- Friday, October 20, 1944
- 1st Explosion at 2:30pm
- 2nd Explosion at 3:00pm
- 130 people died
- Covered 1 Mile Squared of Area
Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion
Presentation By: Smit Desai
Cleveland East Ohio Gas Explosion