- God
- Creation
- Providence
- Salvation
Etienne Gilson's Case for Realism
featuring: Dr. Tadie's Blackboard
Etienne Gilson (1884-1978)
Bullet points from the Oxford Companion to Philosophy
and the Macmillian Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Le réalisme méthodique, first published in 1935
- Defense of common-sense realism
- Critique of Maritain's Critical Realism and the effort to introduce elements of idealism into realist philosophy.
- French historian of Medieval Philosphy, existentialist Thomist
- Originally specialized on Descartes
- Believed that Christian philosophy contains unique philosophical ideas that the Greeks did not know about. For example: God
Metaphysics (First Philosophy)
Scholastic Philosophy: A Science of first principle and first cause
"A Realism which, determined to undo Idealism, didn't realize that it itself only exists through and thanks to its adversary"
Methodical Realism, page 20
"What is first given us is the existence of things" (Methodical Realism, pp 55)
Existentialist Thomism
Ethics (Second Philosophy)
"We ought to get our knowledge of simple things from composite things and arrive at what is prior by way of what is posterior."
(On Being and Essence, pp29)
Joseph Owens' Defense of Esse
Already given up on BEING
Essence + Existence
The "human" inside our head is existence-neutral
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)
Idealist/ Rationalist
Immanuel Kant
Physics- The REAL
Epistemology (Third Philosophy)
From Critique of Pure Reason
to Critique of Practical Reason
Still meditating on a FIRST PHILOSOPHY
- Aquinas, T. On Being and Essence. Translated by Armand Mauer. Toronto, Ontario: The Pontifical Institue of Mediaeval Studies, 1968.
- Gerson, L. (n.d.). "Gilson, Etienne (1884- 1978)." The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. Print.
- Gilson, E. Methodical Realism: A Handbook for Beginning Realists. Translated by Philip Trower. San Francisco, CA : Ignatius Press, 2011. Print.
- Hudson, D. Understanding Maritain: Philosopher and Friend. Macon, GA : Mercer University Press, c1987. Print.
- Knasas, J. Being and Some Twentieth Century Thomists. New York: Fordham University, 2003. Print.
- Miller, R. (1967). "Gilson, Etienne Henry (1884-1978)." Updated by Christian B. Miller in 2005. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Macmillan) ed. 2 (Vol. 4, pp. 91-93). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 2006. Print.
"Ontology precedes Ethics"
- Cardinal Dolan
First Idealist
(Realist by Intention)
Rene Descartes (1596-1600)
Math- The IDEAL
Hegel the Realist
The manner of study in ancient times is distinct from that of the modern world, in that the former consisted in the cultivation and perfecting of the natural mind. Testing life carefully at all points, philosophizing about everything it came across, the former created an experience permeated through and through by universals. In modern times, however, an individual finds the abstract form ready made. In straining to grasp it and make it his own, he rather strives to bring forward the inner meaning alone, without any process of mediation; the production of the universal is abridged, instead of the universal arising out of the manifold detail of concrete existence.
(Phenomenology of Spirit, "Preface," Paragraph 33)
GWF Hegel (1770-1831)
Kant reversed
the ladder
Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
From Cogito ergo sum
to Cogito ergo res sunt