- Lots of women in senior government and business positions (attorney general, ministers in the government)
- Everyone, no matter race, gender, religion, etc., has access to education
- Women work as well as men
- Gender inequality in TCI is very similar to gender inequality in Canada
- Working on closing the gender gap
Symbolic Interactionism
- Conch shells are an important symbol
- Only conch farm in the world
- Tourists are allowed to take up to three large conch shells per person
- Shells are used as decoration, the animal is eaten, and they are found all over the beaches
- Greetings and customs are typical North American customs (greetings= shake hands, personal space,
dating and friendships
are the same as here)
Symbolic Interactionism
- Storytelling, music and dance are all important rituals throughtout the islands
- "Ripsaw" / "Rake 'n Scrape" (created with unusual instruments) music is the most traditional music on the islands, most of the music is typical American music
- Weddings are the typical North American Christian wedding in a church or on a beach, most weddings are tourists
- Typical North American funerals as well (cremation, burial), burial at sea is also common
- Turks and Caicos is located in the Atlantic Ocean
- 30000 inhabitants, 200000 tourists per year
- English
- Canadians move there, annexation was talked about in 1917 and again in 2003
- Taíno people were the first inhabitants, who crossed over from Hispaniola sometime from AD 500 to 800
- TCI is just starting to bloom with businesses and people moving there
- Still poverty: small, old cars, shack-like homes, no traffic lights, roads are covered in potholes
- Much better than most Caribbean countries in regards to poverty
Video Link
- Power is held mostly by white businessmen who own the resorts and restaurants
- The people with power use it to buy huge mansions, huge boats and nice cars; not used to help others
Turks and Caicos Cultural Analysis
- http://turksandcaicostourism.com/about-turks-and-caicos/
- http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/travel/destinations/will-turks-and-caicos-take-us-we-send-a-reporter-to-find-out/article19045062/
- http://caribya.com/turks.and.caicos/culture/
- http://www.cepal.org/mujer/noticias/paginas/3/51823/Turks_and_Caicos_Islands_Review_Beijing_20.pdf
- http://blogs.fco.gov.uk/peterbeckingham/2015/03/06/celebrating-female-fire-power-in-the-turks-and-caicos/