Lack of Healthcare
The Involvement of Canadian Charities/NGOs and the Canadian Government
Canadian Red Cross
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Ishika Tiwari, Lavanya Vallipuram, & Ammaarah Sheriffdeen
Risk of Epidemic/Pandemic Outbreak
Red Cross
Doctors Without Borders
(Médecins Sans Frontières)
“In our increasingly globalized world, a single infected person can board a plane and spread a virus across continents.”.
- Due to lack of healthcare, viruses are easily transmittable
- People are dying from preventable diseases,
- Ebola outbreak was caused by poor healthcare facilities and lack of basic medical equipment.
Impact on Birth
Death Rates
RED CROSS CANADA is a Non-Government Organization that caters to many humanitarian issues nationally and internationally. Regarding health care, RED CROSS CANADA contributes to help prevent human suffering, as well as assist with disasters and general medical aid around the world.
Lack of Healthcare
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a Canadian Non- Governmental Organization that focus on emergency medical and humanitarian relief.
- Death Rates are higher in developing countries
- People are dying everyday because of something that we are fortunate enough to have
- death rates due to maternal, praternal and nutrition conditions are much higher in the undeveloped countries
- If we have the resources and the funds, we should help to prevent as many human deaths and suffering
How They Help
Doctors Without Borders have been providing medical assistance to people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters, disease epidemics, malnutrition crises and other emergencies.
- A field concerning the maintenance and restoration of physical and mental health
- This occurs when a human’s standard of living is of low quality and their well being is in risk of illnesses
- It is often discovered in areas suffering from intense poverty, which are usually found in developing countries
Regarding lack of healthcare, UNICEF Canada is working to improve the health and well-being of children all across the globe. They provide:
- Vaccines
- Micronutrient supplements
- Train community health workers
- Register the birth of newborns
- Treat and prevent malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia
"Every Child Counts"
Why People Lack In Healthcare
The Medical Action They Provide:
Some accomplishments would be:
- 7 million children supplied with Vitamin A supplements to prevent the risk of diseases in Ghana and Nigeria
- 90 311 children in Mali were provided with lifesaving treatment for severe malnutrition in 2013
- In Bolivia, child deaths from severe malnutrition decreased by 53% in targeted municipalities.
UNICEF is a humanitarian and development agency that works for the rights of every child worldwide. UNICEF Canada works to improve the lives of children and their families by providing:
- Safe shelter
- Nutrition
- Protection from disaster and conflict
- Traverse the life cycle; pre-natal care for healthy births
- Clean water and sanitation
- Healthcare
- Education
Why is Lack of Health Care Important to Canada?
Emergency healthcare, including surgery
- Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) surgeons work predominately in conflict settings
- Surgical cases include general, trauma, obstetrics, orthopedic, burn and reconstruction, working with all ages.
Distribution of medicines and medical supplies
- Vaccinations
- Therapeutic and supplementary nutrition, this can be herbal medications to things like antibiotics and antacids etc.
Medical assistance within existing health facilities
- In some countries because of discrimination or social stigmas that they are deprived of this basic human right.
- The “right to health” extends to all things which promote health and well-being and prevent illness and disease, not just access to medical care.
- Enjoyment of human right to health, is vital to all aspects of a person’s life and well-being, and is crucial to the realization of many other fundamental human rights and freedoms.
In Case You Missed Some Info...
Everyday, tens of thousands of people are dying due to their lack of health care. Even though not all of those who are dying have died in Canada, it is still a great concern to the Canadian Government. The Lack of Health Care in developing countries is important to Canada for many reasons, including these:
- Lack of healthcare means when a human being doesn't have the adequate medical attention for them to survive.
- RED CROSS CANADA contributes to help prevent human suffering, as well as assist with disasters and general medical aid around the world.
- Doctors Without Borders have been providing medical assistance to people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters, disease epidemics, malnutrition crises and other emergencies.
- UNICEF is a humanitarian and development agency that works for the rights of every child worldwide. UNICEF Canada works to improve the lives of children and their families
- The Lack of Health Care in developing countries is important to Canada for many reasons, including these:
- Impact on Birth and Death Rates
- Risk of Epidemic/Pandemic Outbreak
- An Economy Upgrade
This is a line in India for hospital admission.
- Impact on Birth and Death Rates
- Risk of Epidemic Outbreak
- An Economy Upgrade
In conclusion, growing up and putting yourself in a situation where your health is at the worst is not fun. This is where Canada needs to take notice and help out countries that lack in medical needs because it some ways, lack of healthcare in other countries affects Canada as well.
How We Can Help
We, as everyday civilians, can help make a difference to prevent the lack of health care.
- Can donate to different organizations to give them funds, which will help them buy more resources
- Volunteer with local NGO's
Training and health education
- Allows others to join their organization
- As well as provide people in the country that they treating medical education, so that they can later treat the people in the their country with proper medical care.
Water and sanitation
- They help ensure access to lifesaving healthcare for people in need. MSF water and sanitation experts:design and manage water and sanitation projects
- Sanitation work can involve building latrines or taking care of waste management in a hospital.
Medical assistance within existing health facilities
Healthcare and Economy Development
Description of the Population Issue
How They Help
Economy tells a lot about the country. If you have ever looked at a specific country's economy, healthcare is one of the largest industries that contribute to it. There are reasons to believe the relationship also runs in the other direction, i.e. health improvements can contribute to economic development. Reasons include:
- Improved Productivity
- Improved Learning
- Reduce Family Size
- Health and Investment
- Increased Avalibity of Land for Productive Use
- Reduced Treatment Burden
The Canadian Red Cross helps by providing food, shelter, clothes or personal care, which includes any first aid or health care.
Red Cross, with the financial support from the government and other organizations, is able to assist millions of people.
Lack of Health Care:
- doesn’t necessarily apply to developing countries, but to people that don’t have access to basic physical and mental healthcare; along with immunizations
- lack of healthcare due to the limited or no resources to buy medical supplies, along with lack of education in that field
- may be able to afford healthcare but don’t have it available to them
Provides a range of health programs ei. Community Clinics, and Health Care Units. Saves lives and reduces the impact of injuries after a disaster.
Internationally helps with the prevention of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. They help out to rural communities, where health services are absent. They install proper health care units; where surgery can be possible, community outreach by educating the civilians about key health aspects, treating malaria and other viruses, as well as providing proper sanitation.
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