Climate and Precipitation Maps
- Show weather patterns and atmospheric conditions
- use color to show various climate regions
- helps scientist measure climate changes in different continents
- mark areas of gradual change between climates
- precipitation maps are paired with climate maps
- show average amount of precipitation a region gets each year
Final Destination
By: April Vasquez & Hailey Uribe!
Population and Economic maps
- give a picture of the distribution of people in a region
- references an average number of people living in an area
- uses symbols to identify cities with populations of different sizes
- maps legend identifies these colors and symbols
- economic maps show regions and natural resources
- show ways the land is used
Elevation and Profiles and Topographic maps
- elevation profiles shows a side view of a place
- calculates distances vertically and horizontally
- shows elevation
- topographic maps show the shapes of land features
- shows sea level
Using special-purpose maps