- Only one God
- God sent prophets to universe
- People should obey Ten Commandments
- Mary gave birth to Jesus as a virgin
- God created the Earth
- Both believe in God
- Jews should have promise land
- Ten Commandments
- Believe we're children of God
- Both believe the Messiah is returning
- Jesus of Nazareth
- 12 apostles
- Virgin birth
- Holy Bible
- Worship on Sunday
- Heaven or Hell
- Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
All in Common
- All believe in one God
- Believe in afterlife
- Have a Holy Book
- Share Old Testament
- Muhhamad is prophet
- Quaran (Holy Book)
- Five Pillars
- Believe in Allah
- Pray 5 times a day
- Monotheistic Faith
- Prayer around the Kaaba
- Created by Abraham in 2000 BC
- Prayed 3 times daily
- Worshiped from Friday at sunset to Saturday sunset
- The Levant (place of origin)
- Belief in God, good deeds, and complete faith
- Only one god (monotheism)
- World to come, Reincarnation
- No one but God
- Allah created the universe
- In Torah and Quran, the land of Israel was given to Jews
Abrahamic Faiths Venn Diagram