Children's Goals
- Being able to independently write name
- Establishing tripod/functional pencil grip
- Increase pencil pressure
- Generally improve fine motor skills
- Be able to understand concept of self-regulation
- To improve transitions between tasks
- Improve VMI Skills
- Increase confidence and decrease feelings of frustration when things are different
Our experience
- Achieved goals for children (writing name and functional pencil grips)
- Built strong rapports with kids
- Learnt range of skills
- Implemented classroom strategies that were taken on by teachers
- Interest and appreciation by teachers
- Early on in year meant working with basic skills
- Only working with preps meant limited time for interventions
- Engaging kids and keeping them excited
- Finding new interventions to do
- Not disrupting kids when being in classroom
- Being flexible with session plans/planning for things to go wrong
- Finding balance between taking them out of class for OT intervention or staying in class for learning
- Practiced letter formation using multi-sensory mediums
- shaving cream
- chalk on asphalt
- sandpit
- Used dot-to-dot tracing game on whiteboard
- Social story
- Individual prompt card
- Recommended use of timer for activities
- Use of foil to prompt increased pen pressure
- Consistent encouragement and reassurance
- "Simon says draw this" game
- "How does your engine run?" group
- General fine motor games
- Standardised Assessments:
- Movement ABC
- Beery VMI (+Visual Perception and Motor Co-ordination)
- BOT2
- Non-Standardised:
- Functional Education
- Informal Assessments:
- Classroom observation
- Teacher interviews
School Holiday Project
- Also one of our challenges
- Teacher goal
- Due to large number, CO-OP approach wouldn’t work so we used traditional teaching method
Our Learning Goals
Why is GWPS Unique?
- Well designed and well run open plan
- not overly stimulating
- team teaching
- Focus on 'investigations'
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program
- Speech pathologists part of school team
- High number of children with hearing impairments
- inclusive environment
- AUSLAN in classrooms
- Focus on:
- information gathering
- communication/co-worker communication
- Take chance to independently conduct multiple standardised assessments
To make a difference!
Our time at GWPS
The School
- Worked solely with preppies
- Case load of five children for intensive interventions
- initially referred for handwriting/fine motor difficulties
- Small group work
- Classroom time, groups and one-on-one
- Approximately 300 kids
- Prep-Grade 6
- Unique primary school
First Impressions
- Well run open plan structure
- Very friendly and welcoming
- Treated as part of team instantly
- Intrigued by investigations
- Gretta's (principal) pride in her school and continual endeavour for development
OWLS at Grovedale West Primary School
Laura Stones and Emily McMaster