Rise and Expansion
Arabs and Turks
- Importance of Individuals
- Chinggis Khan (Genghis Khan)
- Able to unite a fractious group of tribes/clans behind his charismatic leadership
- Militarily powerful
- 1209-Begin process of conquering other areas
- Incredibly successful
- How does a confederation of 700,000 people accomplish this feat??
- Arabic nomads (e.g. Bedouins)
- Better saddles for camels
- Camel nomads as "shock troops" for Islamic expansion
- Turkic-speaking nomads
- Very diverse
- From Mongolia and southern Siberia
- Convert to Islam
- Initially slaves within Abbasid Empire
- Then take over (rule as sultans)
- Responsible for taking Islam to India
Governing an Empire
- Lived in the Mongolian steppes north of China
- Xiongnu Confederacy (3rd and 2nd centuries BCE)
- Led by Modun
- More centralized, hierarchical
- Forced China to pay tribute
- How have other empires we've studied been governed?
- How the Mongols do it...
- Keep Mongols happy (spread the wealth)
- Fear
- Elaborate census process (for taxes)
- Religiously tolerant
- Relay stations
- Again, horses are important!
- Allow merchants to use these
- Pax Mongolica
And now....the Mongols
- Largest land-based empire in human history
- Sets up networks of exchange and communication b/t diverse groups of people
- Destructive process of conquest
- Small cultural impact
- No new religion
- Never tried to spread their faith
- Last major empire of the pastoral groups
- No large states or chiefdoms emerge amongst East African nomadic tribes
- Bind each other together through common cultural traditions
- Circumcision
- "Age-grades"
- Pastoralism viewed as far superior to farming
Explaining the Mongol Empire
Mongols in China
- MUCH smaller population; no educational or technological advantage over opponents
- Why are the Mongols able to conquer the world?
- Timing
- Most of the empires they conquered were in decline
- Mongol Army
- Loyal
- STRICT discipline
- Very effective tactics in battle
- Reputation for harsh punishment of those who did not submit to them
- 1209-1368; move from North to South
- Mongols want to get $$$$ out of China
- Adopt Chinese administrative practices, taxation, and postal system
- Move capital from Karakorum to Beijing
- Began referring to their rule as the Yuan dynasty
- Khubilai Khan
- Not well-loved by the Chinese
- Mongols maintained much of their culture (tents)
- Didn't learn Chinese
- Largely ignored exam system
- Harsh and exploitative at times
Russia and the Mongols
Creating a World Economy
- Promoted commerce (so it could be taxed)
- Secured trade routes
- Russia was not unified (even in face of Mongol attack)
- Most devastating of all Mongol conquests
- Now have catapults and battering rams
- Artisans enslaved and shipped out to other Mongol areas
- Exploit Russia financially (no direct rule)
- EO Church thrives (tax exempt)
Questions to Consider
Pastoral Nomads
Persia and the Mongols
- Very quick conquest relative to China
- Incredibly destructive
- 1258: Sack Baghdad (ends Abbasid caliphate)
- Devastating to infrastructure, agriculture
- Adopted some Persian customs
- Bureaucracy
- Converted to Islam in 1295 (this is unique)
- Often overlooked by historians (why?)
- Standard Features of Pastoral Societies:
- Needed large grazing areas
- Importance of animals (esp. horses)
- Usually less productive than ag. societies
- MUCH smaller populations
- Kinship based clans
- More egalitarian than sedentary societies
- Women often had more rights
- Fewer restrictions
- More public role
- Involved in productive labor
- How have pastoral peoples been significant in world history?
- C&C the Mongol empire with other empires we have studied.
- How did Mongol rule impact other empires?
Connections with Agricultural Neighbors
Cultural Diffusion
- Generally a high degree of interaction
- Occasionally adopt cultural traditions of ag. societies
- i.e. religion in inner Eurasia
- Forming a full nomadic state was challenging, though there are examples of this:
- Xiongnu
- Arabs and Turks
- Masai
- And, of course.....
- The Mongols
- Forcibly moved craftsmen throughout the empire
- Religious tolerance=lots of different houses for worship throughout empire
- Technological Exchange
- Especially advantageous for Europeans
The Mongols, 1200-1500