-The Woods
-The Car the Misfit drove in
-"Sprang back as if a snake had bitten him and shot her three times."
after Grandma's realization she mimicks Jesus reaches out to someone needs grace.
-"The Misfit aloose from the federal Pen and headed toward Florida.. I couldn't answer to my conscience if I did"(O'Connor 119)
-June Star foreshadows the murders
-Flannery's consistent grotesque humor
-Perhaps religious message??? Ironic in itself
Southern Principles
-White Supremacy
"He didn't have any birches on.. he probably didn't have any, the Grandma explained, Little niggers in the counrty don't have things like we do."(O'Connor 118).
- Wealth and Materialistic goals
" I wouldn't live in a broken down place for a million bucks" (O'Connor 121).
-name significance
-"Burning Bush"
-Ruth's eyes were "icepicks"
-Byzantine Jesus eyes
- Sarah Ruth's rejection & their relationship
-Sarah Rurh depicted by Parker as," a creature from above, a giant hawk-eyed angel...(O'Connor 512).
-"Sometimes he supposed that she had married him because she was ment to save him"(O'Connor 510).
- even with Christ on his back Parker's life doesn't seem to be better.
- "Parker's back"
Southern Ideology
-Judgement through appearance
-Religion= Good Person
- Surber, Katie. "Southern Gothic Literature: Definition, Characteristics & Authors - Video & Lesson Transcript |" <i></i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015. <>.
- O'Connor, Flannery, and Sally Fitzgerald. <i>Flannery O'Connor: The Complete Stories</i>. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1972. Print.
-O'Connor, Flannery. "E316K -- Bremen." <i>E316K -- Bremen</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015. <>.
Parker's Back
What is Southern Grotesque literature?
- Genre of Southern literature
- Focuses On "Grotesque" themes
- effortlessly creepy
Modern Culture and Television use similar genres... set in the South also
Common elements within each story
- Symbols (*obviously)
- Irony
- Southern ideology (Racism common principle)
- Flannery's fascination with Human nature and their flaws
A Good Man is Hard to Find
-The Bull= Jesus Christ "The Bull wore a wreath around his horns which resembled a menacing prickly crown."
- Just like In A Good man is Hard to find both the Grandma and Mrs. May at their deaths are enlightened.
Its unknown what the revelation is of Mrs. May but she's dead sooo...
''She was a good Chirstian woman with a large respect fpr religion though she did not of course, believe any of it was true.
Southern Ideology
-"They'll marry trash and ruin everything."
Mrs. May believed she was better than the Greenleafs, but in reality they are happier and better off than her.
Flannery O'Connor's The Complete Stories
Nathalie Chavez