Expanding internationally
National Markets
Create visions and aims
What is the aim of the company for the next 5-10 years?
This type of planning includes international competition and the future market trends. It initiates identification and motivation.
The Balanced Score Card
Helps to develop visions and strategies for achieving objects
insular expansion
Visions should be:
concentric expansion
develop guidelines
selective expansion
develop VISIONS
- companies choose countries with leading character (market growth, innovations)
- placed over strategy
- shows financial success
- processes of net product, Output and order processing
- realistic
- realizable
- long-term
- unique
- concentric expansion
- increase of distribution area in stages
- choose attractive market segments and extend them circularly
they generate the "islands" and are starting point for later expansions
- guidelines committed for the whole company
- simple, short, concise
- communicable for internal and external business environment
- seperate markets and their core areas will be choosed and processed
- for companies of global industries
"Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.
People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.
Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities."
Point out your position of success
What are your strength and skills?
How can you use them as a competitive
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Seattle, Portland, Vancouver
USA, Brazil, Japan
Singapore, Malaysia
4 Monitoring
- satisfaction
- canvassing
- customer value
- potential of employees and managers
- motivation
- training
2. Analyse the countries
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Managers have to reflect:
- Which improvements were made?
- Which strategic measures were implemented? Are they successful?
- Where are our weaknesses?
- Where are the most dangerous risks? How can we react?
- in- and external feedback
get information about possible risks (political risks service ranking)
rate market attractivness (volume, growth and structure of the market)
analyse barriers for market entrance (customs, taxes, langauges, culture)
5 Change Management
- supervising, rating and improving of the 5 steps
- intervise the internationalisation in culture of company
- intercultural training and communication for employees
- important for international success
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
important factors:
business environment
market potential
sales potential
product spezification
Pegasus Footwear-Trampling on religion
SWOT Analysis
develop a "Cluster of Countries"
Allah in Arabic
Pegasus Shoe Design
Strategic planning
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Which market to choose
Internationalization decisions
Why Expand internationally
Factors for Market entry
- Gain access to new customers
- Achieve lower costs and enhance competitiveness
- Spread business risks across a wider market
- Macroeconomic conditions (e.g. inflation)
- Infrastructure (e.g. trade barriers or transport)
- Cultural norms and social structures
- Political & legal risks (e.g. Corruption,
Protection of intellectual property)
1. which international market
to choose
2. How to enter these market
3. How to offer services and products
last point and result of business analysis
helps to develop strategic measures and facilitate your purpose
taregt-actual comparison
1. Business Analysis
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Market entry strategies
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Business Analysis
Evaluate your company from the Inside-out and the Outside-in.
How to enter new markets
Exporting disadvantages
The selling of goods and services produced in one country in another country
- Relatively low-cost activity
- Create economies of scale which should lead to lower cost
- Low risk
- Lower profit potential
- Loss of control over marketing
- Lack of feed back from market
- Identifying suitable agent/distributor
- Agency agreements of agent
- Transportation cost
Outside in
- analyse the environment of your company
- Where are possibilities, where are barriers when you enter the market?
- Who are the competitors?
- Which products and prices do they offer?
- Which marketing strategy do they use?
Inside out
- point out your strength, weakness, resources and problems
- figure out your skills
- consider all departments
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
It is very important to collect as much information as possible! Usefull links:
Market entry strategies
Licensing means, to provide limited rights on patented products, methods etc., for foreign companies
Franchising is the practice of using another firm's successful business model.
5 Steps for a successful expansion
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
- EG. McDonalds. KFC, Hilton Hotels, Holiday Inn
- Useful when a firm has neither the resources or capabilities to directly enter foreign markets
- Rapid entry and market penetration
- franchisee bears the costs & risks of establishing in foreign locations
- Franchiser bears costs of training, support and monitoring
- Rapid entry to foreign markets
- No large capital investment
- Trade barriers
The big problem the franchiser faces is maintaining quality control, standards and consistency
- Creates a competitor
- No control over licensee and product
1. Business analysis
2. Analysis of the countries
3. Strategic planning
4. Monitoring
5. Change management
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Ways to offer products and services
Standardization and Differentiation
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
To be successful on the international market, the company has to decide in which way they wanna offer their products and services.
To expand or not to expand?
- is the process of distinguishing a product to make it more attractive to a particular target market
- differentiate a product from competitor products as well as a firm own product offerings.
- way of agreeing on technical issues and processes.
- Product standardization is an efficient method to reduce costs and increase quality. By minimizing the differences in your products
- less information
- high financial charges
- difficult process of organization
- sales potential
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
Die Form und der Pfad müssten noch editiert werden :)
Relocation of factories: German companies barely flee abroad
- right timing
- tap potential of domestic market
- information about competitors
- weigh the odds
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
In Germany get factories closed and build up in countries with low wages: that was many years the standard recipe of many German companies. But this trend has largely stopped, according to SPIEGEL information - because displacements often are no longer economical.
German companies push it hardly abroad. Between 2010 and 2012, the rate of those companies that reduce the production capacity in Germany to reinstall them elsewhere fell to eight percent.
The German economy is still global presence, since 21 percent of production capacity German companies are located abroad. The sharp decline in building up new companies abroad is justified by the "diminishing benefits" through low wages abroad and poorer quality.
Marie Erbes & Anne Bierau
- Bradley, Frank (2002): International Marketing Strategy, Fourth edition, Harlow
- Derboven, Wibke/ Krumbruck, Christel (2005): Interkulturelles Training, Trainingsmanual zur Förderung interkultureller Kompetenzen in der Arbeit, Hamburg
- Hodgetts, Richard M./ Rugman, Alan M. (2000): International Business, A strategic management approach, Second edition, Harlow
- Rarick, Charles A. (2003): Cases and Exercises, International Business, New Jersey
- Sachse, Uwe (2003): Wachstum durch internationale Expansion, Wiesbaden
- http://info.sms.uni.edu/blog/bid/157313/3-Global-Target-Market-Strategies
- http://thembanotesforyou.blogspot.de/2011/06/definition-of-international-marketing.html
- http://spon.de/adT7z
- http://www.coca-colacompany.com/our-company/mission-vision-values
- http://www.ehow.com/way_5379387_product-standardization-strategy.html
- 3 Global Target Market Strategies