- The narrator seems to like this character because he said he was a model for the community and welcomed everyone into his home.
- We also like the character because he seems very generous with his wealth.
- Franklin was included in the complany of the pilgrims to provide food and funding.
The Canterbury Tales: Franklin
Franklin is similar to Adam Sandler and many of his characters, one being his role in Bedtime Stories. In this movie Sandler plays a hotel owner who throws many parties. This is like Franklin welcoming other people to his home for is own parties. Furthermore, Sandler donates to charities that fight hunger, this relates to Franklin sharing his wealth and food with his community.
Physical Description
Background Info
- "there was a Franklin with him, it appeared; white as a daisy-petal was his beard."
- Always has food around, most likely overweight
On a pilgrimage to Canterbury with a group of 29 peolple
- Wealthy, most likely has expensive clothing
Status and Occupation
- part of the upper class but not royal
- wealthy landowner
- tax collector