Hammurabi's Code
Babylonian Empire
- Code listed 282 specific laws
- Reinforced the idea that government had a responsibility for what occurred in society.
- Amorites took over Mesopotamia around 2000 B.C.
- Babylonian Empire reached its peak during the reign of Hammurabi.
The First Empire Builders
Sumerian Science and Technology
Sargon of Akkad
Life in Sumerian Society
Sumerian Culture
- Sargon conquered both northern and southern Mesopotamia, creating the first empire.
- Empire- several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler.
- Invented the wheel, the sail, and the plow.
- First to use bronze and developed the first system of writing.
- Number system in base 60.
A Religion of Many Gods
- Social classes emerge- Priests and Kings, wealthy merchants, farm hands and workers, slaves.
- Women had more rights than in later civilizations.
- Polytheism- belief in many gods.
- Sumerians believed in roughly 3,000 gods.
- Epic of Gilgamesh- one of the earliest works of literature in the world.
The Spread of Cities
The Power of Priests
Monarchs Take Control
- Cultural diffusion- process of a new idea or a product spreading from one culture to another.
- This happened when Sumer's trade routes grew larger and their population expanded.
- In times of war, the city would choose the strongest warrior to lead the city's soldiers.
- Military leaders would become full-time rulers.
- Dynasty- series of rulers from a single family.
- Earliest governments were controlled by the temples and priests.
- Farmers believed the success of their crops depended on the blessings of the Gods.
- Ziggurats served not just as a temple but as a city hall.
Learning Objectives
- People first began to settle and farm in southern Mesopotamia before 4500 B.C.
- Sumerians began to appear around 3500 B.C.
Geography of the Fertile Plains
City-States of Mesopotamia
- Fertile Crescent- arc of land between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea that contains some of the best farm land in Southwest Asia.
- Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers exists an area called Mesopotamia.
- Mesopotamia is Greek for "land between the rivers"
- Silt- mud left from flooded rivers that provides good farm land.
- Summarize how geography affected cultural development in the Fertile Crescent.
- Describe how city-states and how other cultures learned about them.
- Describe Sumerian religious beliefs, social structure, and technology.
- Explain the influence of Sumer on later civilizations.
- Irrigation- controlled watering/flooding of farm land.
- City Walls
- Trade
- Beginnings of organized government
Sumerians Create City-States
- City-State: Cities and land surrounding it, with their own government and ruler, functioning like a modern country does today.