Chapter 16
Quote 1: "That proves one thing-that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human" page 210
Quote 2: "They don't belong anywhere." 215
Symbolism: Mixed Child - outcasts
Theme: Humanity
Chapter 14
Quote 1: "Well if that's all it is why did Calpurnia dry me up when Ia asked her what it was?" - pg 181
Symbolism: Scout doesn't really understand the definition that Atticus gave to her.
Theme: Youth
Chapter 15
Ch 1-16
Quote 1: "They were people we saw everyday" page 195
Quote 2: "You got fifteen secons to get em' outta here" page 204
Symbolism: "There was No Moon Tonight" On a Moonless night, the stars become clearer and more things are visible
Theme: Changing Minds
Chapter 4
Quote 1: “Out of what I knew not, yet I did not believe that twelve years of unrelieved boredom was exactly what the state had in mind for me.” - Scout pg44
Quote 2: “Atticus and my uncle, who went to school at home, knew everything - at least, what one didn't know th other did." -page 43
Symbolism: The Dewey Decimal System - bad ways of teaching, not actually giving the wisdom to kids that they want as a child
Theme: Education
Chapter 10
Chapter 5
Quote 1: “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.” page 119
Quote 2: “Don’t you ever let me catch you pointing that gun at anybody again.”
Symbolism: Gun - opportunity/power
Theme: Use Power for Goodness
Quote 1: “There are just some kind of men who-who’re so busy worrying about the next world they’ve never learned to live in this one.” -Miss Maudie pg 60
Quote 2: “Thing is, foot washers think women are a sin by defintion. they take the bible literally you know.” -Miss Maudie page 59
Symbolism: Miss Maudie - Wise philosopher. Says people should value their life as much as possible
Theme: Religion
Chapter 1
Quote 1: “People moved slow then.” pg 6
Quote 2: “Jem received most of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford.” -pg 13
Symbolism: Miss Stephanie Crawford - symbolizes a mystical storyteller
Theme: Innocence
Chapter 11
Quote 1: “What are you going in those overalls? You should be in a dress and camisole, young lady!” page 135
Quote 2: “Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man.”
Symbolism: Mrs Dubose - courage
Theme: Stereotype/Responsibility
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Quote 1: “Someone had filled our knot-hole with cement.” pg 83
Quote 2: “Here lets write a letter.” pg 82
Symbolism: Tree - Boo’s seclusion from the town.
Theme: Seclusion
Chapter 3
Quote 1: “You’re gettin’ more life a girl every day!” -Jem page 69
Quote 2: Says if anybody sees a white nigger around. that’s the one.” Miss Stephanie
Symbolism: barking of distant dogs - chatter of people in Maycomb about the shooting
Theme: Stereotype
Chapter 2
Chapter 9
Quote 1: “You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view.” pg 39
Quote 2: “It’s silly to force people like the ewells into a new environment.” -Page 40
Symbolism: Atticus - Walk a mile in someone shoes to see how their life is. And see it from their point of view and not your own.
Theme: Sympathy/Persepective
Quote1: ”Now you tell your father not to teach you any more. It’s best to begin reading with a fresh mind. you tell him I’ll take over from here and try to undo the damage-” pg23
Quote 2: “Everybody did; most of the first grade had failed it last year.” pg 22
Quote 3: “Miss Caroline began the day by reading us a story about cats.”
Symbolism: Cat book & Alphabet - In first grade in Maycomb County most kids weren't very smart most failed the first grade and they read very easy books about cats. They are still trying to learn the alphabet.
Theme - Education
Chapter 12
Quote 1: “You want to grow up to be a lady don’t you?” -Uncle Jack page 105
Quote 2: “He’s nothin’ but a nigger-lover!” - Francis page 110
Symbolism: Francis - symbolizes evilness of the town's people
Theme: Family Intimacy
Quote 1: "I wants to know why you bringin' white chillun to n***** church." -Lula pg158
Quote 2:"You ain't got no business bringin' white chillun here---they got their church,we got our'n." -Lula pg158
Symbolism: Lula being the only one that doesn't like that Jem and Scout are at their church even though their dad is defending Tom Robinson which is why most of the people welcome Jem and Scout.
Theme: Prejudice
Chapter 8
Quote 1: “It’s bad children like you makes the season change.” - Mr Avery, page 87
Quote 2: "Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight.” -Atticus page 95
Symbolism: Fire - town works together during crisis
Theme: Superstition
Chapter 13
Quote 1: "For no reason I felt myself beginning to cry, but i could not stop." - Scout pg178
Quote 2: "You really want us to do all that? I can't remember everything Finches are supposed to do. . . ." -Scout pg179
Symbolism: Scout
Theme: Growing Up