Amish Subculture
Morgan Kranyak, Emily Gotowala, Mairead Peters
- Men are in control- women obey men
- stereotype: horse & buggy, no electricity, clothes without buttons
- not representative of all Amish sects
- stereotype: completely unmodern/ out of date technology
- sophisticated manufacturing equipment
- stereotype: No connection to the real world
- go into society (ie, restaurants, grocery stores)
- German dialect called Pennsylvania Dutch at home
- High German for worship
- English with outsiders
- "Gut"- Good
- "Neh"- No
- "Yah"- Yes
Values/ Norms/ Traditions
- Amish people govern themselves
- Only interaction is with other Amish people in their farming communities
- The popular word JOY stands for Jesus first, Others inbetween, and Yourself last
- Acknowledgement of accomplishments is looked upon as vain
- Pride distrubs the equality and tranquility of an orderly community
- Simplicity is key
- Self absorbment- jewlery, make-up, wrist wacthes, wedding rings are looked upon as pride
Differences from Other Socities
- Amish life is dictated by a set of rules, known as Ordnung.
- Formal education is only through eighth grade
- "Amish people interpret linking with electrical wires as a connection with the world – and the Bible tells them they are not to be “conformed to the world.” (Romans 12:2)
- They use buggies or horses as source of transportation
- Are not treated as American citizens under the law
Works Cited
History of the Amish
- established between 1693 and 1697 on basis of religious principles
- Swiss Mennonites brought culture to Pennsylvania in 1700s
- Descdendant of protestant religious sect
- Anabaptist (adult baptism)
- created in Europe by Jacob Amman