German Plans for the Battle
Russians didn't just expect the German attack, but also knew the German plans for the battle from the "Lucy" spy network in Germany
Hans Oster, the chief of staf to Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and one of the members of the "Lucy" spy network
This offensive is of decisive importance. It must end in swift and decisive success. Every commander, every private soldier, must be indoctrinated with awareness of the decisive importance of this offensive. Victory at Kursk will be a beacon for the whole world.
-Adolf Hilter, April 15th, 1943
- Hitler wanted the operation to succeed and postponed the operation in May 4th, 1943
- This allowed for the new "war winning tanks" to arrive at the battle
- Ruined the element of surprise
Panzerjäger Tiger (P)
"Elefant" tank
Panzerkampfwagen V
"Panther Ausf. G"
- The delay allowed the Soviets to fortify their defenses
- 300,000 civilians were drafted to build a series of defenses consisting of tank traps, mine fields, and various defensive positions
Czech hedgehog tank traps
Dragon's teeth tank traps
Soviet forces included:
- 1,300,000 men
- 3,600 tanks
- 20,000 pieces of artillery
- 2,400 aircraft
German forces consisted of:
- 800,000 men (including 3 Waffen SS divisions)
- 2,700 tanks
- 1,800 aircraft
Sturmgeschütz III
"Stug III Ausf. G"
Panzerkampfwagen VI
"Tiger Ausf. E"
Planned German attack movement
Boundary between German forces and Soviet forces
North Battle vs. South Battle
- German side had stronger forces
- Sent all of their reserves forward
- General Hoth, a German commander, decided to put the rest of the tanks, around 600, into a town past the Russian lines called Prokhorovka
- German side had weaker forces
- Germans only advanced 10 km into the Russian lines
- Lost 25,000 soldiers and 200 tanks
- Continued fighting until it was eventually stopped
General Hoth of the German army
The Battle of Prokhorovka
The Russian command predicted this movement
They ordered the 5th Guards tank army to meet the Germans
That began an 8 hour battle in thick smoke and dust
The Germans lost over half of the remaining tanks
The tanks going into the thick dust and smoke
The actual German attack began on July 4, 1943
There were multiple battles, in both North Kursk and South Kursk
Started with the tanks, then waves of the anti-tank aircrafts came in from both sides
The battleground areas in Kursk
What Operation Citadel looked to Accomplish
- Operation Citadel sought to regain the German initiative and severely damage Russian supplies while reinforcing German morale.
- Operation Citadel was a deciding battle in the outcome of the Eastern Front, and because of the German failure they lost control of the Eastern Front.
- Operation Citadel was the code name for the plan proposed by General Zeitzler.
- It consisted of a major decisive battle along the Kursk Salient, in an attempt to destroy the russian defense.
- Required an extremely large portion of Germany's offensive (1/3) as hitler stated "There must be no failure."
Germany Seeks a Decisive Victory
Consequences of the Battle
- Germany sought to decisively defeat Russia to boost the German Armies morale.
- Germany had substantially increased tank production in more advanced tanks.
- The advanced tanks however caused less production of the more adequate and efficient tank, such as the Panzer 4.
German Losses
- Soviets considered battle a victory
- Germany had updated tanks and experienced crew
- Germans kept fighting the Soviets, but due to:
- Large population
- Industrial production
- American lend-lease military aid
- Russia was able to survive the attacks
- The German's lost troops and equipment were irreplaceable
- 70,000 men
- 3,000 tanks
- 1,400 planes
- Russian losses were estimated to be higher, but because of the large population and industry, Russia could cope better.
All above numbers are estimates, and totals are controversial.
Germany's Position in the War
- In 1943 the tide of the war had begun to even out and the Russians had severely grown in strength.
- Germany seeked to go on a major offensive and regain the tempo of the war.
- Germany hoped to prove superiority in the eastern front and cause tense relations between Russia and the Allies.
Political Effects
- Hitler was convinced that his staff was incompetent
- Grew more and more involved with military movement
- Eventually started to make tactical decisions himself
- Stalin grew more confident in his advisers
- Relied more heavily on advisers for decisions
- Rarely overruled military decisions