The Impact of Welfare Reform on Black Families
- Blacks are morely likely than whites to leave welfare because of sanctions( failure to comply)
- Black mothers are often terminated as welfare recipients because of failure to attend drug treatment programs.
Impact on Mothers
Blacks have been shown not only to be less likely than whites to leave welfare but also tobe more likely than whites to return to the rolls due to job instability
Research Findings
1.What impact did PRWORA have on
black mothers?
2.What impact did PRWORA have
on black fathers?
3.What impact did PRWORA have on
black children?
4.What impact did PRWORA have on
black grandparents?
Impact on Fathers
Most child support laws require low-income fathers to pay higher proportions of their income for support than middle and upper income fathers pay
Impact on Mothers
Impact on Children
The 1996 welfare reforem legislation had disproportionate adverse effects on black children.
......Children in welfare families experienced more severe economic hardships after their families left the rolls than when they were on welfare
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 signed by
President Bill Clinton
Impact on Children
....children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives
....end dependence and promoting job preparation, work, and marriage
...reduce the incidence of out of wedlock pregnancies and establish overall numerical goals
...encourage two parent families
Family Caps:
....which did not provide any additional welfare support for children who were born out wedlock
Impact on Grandmothers grandparents and their dependent kin are required to bear a disparate share of social and economic deprivation as a result of insensitive welfare policies
Impact on Mothers
1. Blacks were much less likely than whites to leave
- the welfare rolls, due to their lower educational
- attainment.
2. 41% of blacks were expected to remain on
- welfare for 60months, compared with only 27%
- of whiltes
3. Lack of affordable chid care. 35% of black missed
- work because of child care problem, compared to
- white.
Overriding achievement of PRWORA
....the reduction in the welfare rolls.
welfare dependency dropped by 60% from 12.6 million in June 2003, while the number of families on welfare fell from 4.6 million to 2.0 million.
Impact on Fathers
PRWORA requires welfare recipients____as a condition of eligibility to assign their child support rights to the state and to cooperate in identifying paternity
Highest Recipients of welfare
Black American as the poster child of welfare reform.
*Analysts attribute most of the decline in the rolls
to a prosperous economy during a decade with
no recessions.
*PRWORA fail to significantly reduce the number
of families in poverty.
*the impact of welfare reform on people of color has
yet to be adequately assessed.