REMINDER! If you say one negative thing or complain about the group you are put in you will not participate.
You will need a team to help you through the years leading up to high school graduation then through college graduation.
Group Activity
I'm chosing the groups
Count off by 2s
- Expectations?
- Behavior?
- Consequences?
- Attitude?
What was hard about the activity?
Did you ever feel like giving up?
When does
work well
When does teamwork
not work?
- Behavior?
- Converstaions?
- Problem solving?
- Sound like
- Look like
- Feel Like
In class do you give up when things are hard?
What was easy about the activity?
Human Knot
- Can not hold hands with a person next to you.
- Can not let go of the hand to unknot.
- Must continue until you are in a circle.
- You must listen to the people in your group
- You must do this together.
- Who will you chose to be on your team?
- Why did you chose these peope to be a part of your team?
- What skills do you need to work in a team?