- Conflict
- Boy tricks death by rotating people to where their head is now by death instead of his feet, therefore saving their life.
- Man vs. Man ( Godson vs. Death)
- Man vs. Nature
- Man vs. Supernatural
- Rising action
- Boys becomes of age
- Becomes a wealthy and famous physician
- Tricks Death and saves the king by rotating his body
- Warned by death not to do it again
- Climax
- Saves the king's daughter after being warned not to do it again
- Must deal with consequence
- Falling Action
- Death tells the boy he is finished
- Takes him to a cave to show him all the candles of life
- Resolution
- Boy asks death to spare his life by lighting a new candle for him
- Death tricks him and acts like he is lighting a new candle, but drops the candle, therefore, putting it out, killing the boy, and ending the story.
- Burning Candles
- Each candle has a different length, representing how much longer a person has to live.
- When Death warns the doctor, “if you dare to do it again, it will cost you your neck,” is another way of saying that the doctor will lose his life (Grimm 3).
- Romanticism
- emotions, imagination, nature, and allow for supernatural events
Works Cited
- Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.
- "MRzareef." : Summary, Characters, Conflict and Themes of “Godfather Death”. Web. 4 Jan. 2016.
Elements of American Gothic
Symbols & Imagery
- You can't cheat Death
- No matter what, death will eventually come to you. You can't run away from it.
- Be careful what you wish for
- What you wish for might sound good, it could come with bad consequences.
Point of View
Godfather Death
- Written in 3rd person
- A third person story is told from a narrator, where someone tells a story about someone else.
- "A poor man had twelve children and had to work day and night in order to feed them" (Grimm 1).
- Exposition
- A poor man with 12 children worked night and day to feed them.
- He then has a 13th child
- Goes to a great highway to find the first person he see's to be the child's godfather
- He finds God, Devil, and Death
- GOD:
- takes pity on man
- promises happiness to child
- refused b/c inequality – gives to the rich, lets poor go hungry
- (lost faith)
- “he turned away from the Lord” (Grimm 1)
- too willing to make a deal
- promises gold & pleasures
- refused b/c equality but unfairness deceives & misleads humanity
- accepted b/c equality – makes all men equal, takes rich/poor w/o distinction
- promises riches & fame
About the Author
- Protagonist: the 13th child, Deaths Godson
- Becomes a wealthy and famous physician
- Antagonist: Death, The Godfather
- chosen as the Godfather since he makes everyone equal.
- Gives the child an herb that can save peoples lives
- They have agreement between each other; Death declares to the man "Whenever you are called to a sick person I will appear to you. If I stand at the sick person’s head, you may say with confidence that you can make him well again; then give him some of this herb, and he will recover. But if I stand at the sick person’s feet, he is mine, and you must say that he is beyond help" (Grimm 2).
- The Child decides to Go against Death and save people that he shouldn't, which results in him losing his life.
- The Brother Grimm
- Two brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (19th century)
- German academics, Linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers, and authors who specialized in collecting and publishing folklore
- Best known storytellers of folktales and popularized stories, such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White.
- Spent formative years in a German town of Hanau
- Both Brothers attended the University of Marburg, where they developed a liking for German Folklore.
- The Godfather Death takes places in the 1800's
- The setting is of a poor man with 12 children who works night and day to feed them.
- The man's 13th child comes along,he then goes out to a great highway to search for the childs godfather.
- He must choose between, Jesus, The Devil, and Death
- The story has and eerie and dark side to it.
By: The Brother Grimm
Published: 1857
Austin Stevenson 2nd Hour