Role of education was more practical than the other two colonies. They emphasized vocations to be taught in education.
Role of education was to promote literacy so people could read the Bible
Schools supported and supervised by various religious denominations.
Schools supported and supervised by mostly the Puritan denomination
Both passed laws that required the education of children.
Both understood that literacy will make society more stable
Instrumental in getting state laws passed that led to our contemporary public run education system
The Mid-Atlantic colonies contained a mixture of New England and Southern educational values. The reason for this is because it was directly in the middle of the two colonies.
Both wanted to better education for the majority.
Opposed New Englands harsh treatment towards children in the classroom
Made schools more responsible for educational task that were previously done in the home.
Education was primarily reserved for wealthy white men
All three started off with education tasks being done at home and eventually turned to public run education.
Both agreed education is the family's concern
Polar opposites in regards to educational practices. I did not find any commonalities between them.
Both emphasized similar subjects to be taught to the upper-class. E.g. classic language, science, and history.
Similar in that both only taught women sufficient household and social skills.
Southern Colonies
Believed that the states should not run education. Education should be done in the home.
Also, believed education is taught best in the home.
Role of education education was to supress non-white races.
Accomplished this by providing education primarly to upper-class white males and no education for other social classes and races.