Gathering Blue Village.
Kira's garden
We put fences to make a rectangle and we planted vegetables but specially we planted carrots. Also in Kira’s garden were some flowers around the garden. We did a garden of 11x5 minecraft cubes.
By: Javier Sánchez, Luis Arias and José Rivas
Some little houses
Mothers and Brothers cotttage and garden
We make the house were inside are the weaving cottage is 6x6 with some wood in the walls in some parts and rock in others. And for the garden we put some fences and it was 10x4 and inside we put rows of 9x3 of cotton. We made that with wood and we put some fabric that simulates the wheel that makes the materials for the mantle, also we put some boxes to but in Minecraft it looks like spiderweb. Also we did son mechair and tables of different color to simulates that there are working with cloth. Also we put some candles for crate light in the rooms.
The houses were made of 5x5 minecraft cubes. The walls we put was of wood and the corners were of tree wood, also we put one windows for each wall with an exception, one wall has the door that faces to the council´s building. They have a wood roof too.
How it is accurate according to the novel
Most of the things that we did, was closely to the ideas of the author.
Some stuff may change, but the idea is gonna be the same. As we thought we did like a Renascence architectural design. We did like this as the author describe the structures of the village.
Council Edifice
In the construction we started to put some stairs.
In the exterior of the building we put some normal windows, and we added other windows that are blocked with some “tables”, we put them with some stone cubes, because there wasn’t something similar to the wood tables. Finally, we add to the some window’s color cubes, the color we add are red and gold simulating the old glass.
On the game we started making holes in the terrain, then we filled the holes with buckets of water to make the river. We made the river that passes near the village.
The Process that we used
In this part you will see how we did the model.
We use Minecraft for doing it.
Field of living
In this place Kira had been watching her house burning after Katrina had died. The field was created near of Kira's house because in the story said she could see how the people burned her house. In the field we did a big cross to symbolize the death.
Gathering Blue Village-Project
Our project is about making a model of some places of the village in the novel of Gathering Blue. In this case the places are:
- Field of Leaving
- Riverbank
- Council Edifice
- Kira´s Garden
- Some little houses
- Mothers and Brothers cottage and garden