- Asclepius father Apollo had a relationship with a mortal woman named Coronis.While pregnant Coronis was accused of being unfaithful to Apollo with her secret lover. Apollo out of anger cast Coronis to the fires.
- Apollo saves his unborn son from the flames out of guilt. Asclepius' very birth was due to a heroic act of medical intervention. Apollo entrusted Asclepius to Centaur Chiron, a creature, half-human half-horse who has technique in using herbs for medicine .Chiron became Asclepius tutor and mentor.
- Asclepius powers was Gorgon blood from Apollo sister Athena which result in magical properties. The blood from the left side of a Gorgon was known to kill a mortal man, while the blood from a Gorgon's right side was known to bring the dead back to life.
Origin Of Birth
Family Tree
- Among Asclepius childhood he was taught methods in healing to help others, Chiron had also taught him the effective use of drugs as aids to healing.While growing up Asclepius was highly-regarded healer with exceptional skills. Asclepius became a great physician and surgeon. Asclepius talent led him to be a well-trained and outstanding healer for the people.
Asclepius Powers
Bronze Statuette of Asclepius - Roman (A.D. 100-150) Apollo's
Ron Leadbetter Article 03 March 1997 © MCMXCV - MMIX Encyclopedia Mythica
David K. Osborn L. Ac.. Entry on Asclepius - Pg. 139 Copyright © 2007 - 2010
Greeka LTD; Asclepius, the god of medicine
Suzan Vaughn-Goddessgift.net in 2001
- Asclepius new talents in bringing back the dead, offended the great god Zeus.In the eyes of Zeus, Asclepius' action upset the natural order of the universe - a mere mortal helping men evade death. With one swift action, the great Zeus sent down a thunderbolt killing Asclepius .
- Ancient Greeks believed snakes were part of the symbol of the underworld which held the key to the mystery of life and the curing of illness.
- The second symbol is Asclepius placed among the stars the constellation Ophiuchus.
- The Greek shrines and temples of Asclepius was for healing , dream therapy, exercise, and baths. People would spend the night and have dreams. The Priests would then interpret the dreams, and give advice on how they could be cured.
- Others stated Asclepius himself would come in their dreams and cure them .By people putting their religious faith into Asclepius this demonstrate high value of a healer.
Naayliah Gayton
Honors English
10 November 2013