Charge Nurse Boot camp
Communication/Collaboration/Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
- #1 cause of conflict is lack of effective communication
- React vs. Respond
- “You” statements vs. “I” statements
- The Communication Process
- you must understand what your
- message is, who your audience is,
- how it will be perceived
- Accommodating
- willingness to meet the needs of others at the expense of your own (“It would be my pleasure”)
- Compromising
- find a solution at partially satisfy everyone (“Let’s make a deal”)
- Avoiding
- evade the conflict entirely (“I’ll think about it tomorrow”)
- Collaborating
- meet the needs of everyone (“Two heads are better than one”)
- Competing
- take a firm stand to get what you want (“My way or the highway”)
Expectations of a Charge RN
Activity time
From Your Manager
- Can navigate difficult situations at the patient/staff level then escalate up chain of command when necessary
- Has a positive attitude
- Conducts self as a leader and can be seen as leader amongst peers
From Your Patient
- Listen
- Positive attitude
- Escalate issues when needed
- Follow up