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"Callisto." Callisto. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.Zeus's_Lovers/Callisto/callisto.html
Book-Wall, Kathleen. The Callisto Myth from Ovid to Atwood: Initiation and Rape in Literature. Kingston: McGill-Queen's UP, 1988. Print.
Book-Wall, Kathleen. The Callisto Myth from Ovid to Atwood Rape and Initiation in Literature. Kingston, Ont. ; Montréal: McGill-Queen's UP, 1988. Print.
Book-Owings, Lisa, and J. T. Morrow. The Constellation Ursa Major: The Story of the Big Bear. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
Classical Source-GREEK GODS: ZEUS LOVES - Callisto (Greek Gods Romance, Greek Gods and Goddesses): A Modern Day Greek Gods Love Story (Ancient World Historical Romance and Greek Gods Romance Book 2
At Zeus' direction, Hermes saved Arcas from the womb and took him to be raised by Maia. She was joined in the skies with her son, who became the nearby constellation Arctophylax, the Little Bear, also known as Ursa Minor
Hera continued to work against her to get Artemis to think she was a normal bear and slay her. Zeus came to the rescue turning her into the constellation Arctos, the Great Bear, also known as Ursa Major
Zeus saw her and fell in love with, and ended up seducing her. She gave life to her son Arcas. After this she was turned into a bear, either by Zeus while trying to hide his misdeeds, by Hera out of jealousy, or by Artemis out of anger that she broke her vow of chasity
Callisto was a nymph, daughter of Lycaon, King of Arcadia. She was transformed into a bear and turned into a constellation. She was one of Artemis hunting attendants.
Callisto swore to preserve her virginity for as long as she remained in the company of the goddess Artemis