The rules:
- Read your partners
- Start positive
- Check against criteria
- Tell them how they could improve linked to criteria!
To be able to demonstrate moving and help our recount progress we are going to look at a new sentence type.
Book activity...
Which words show movement?
You need to write 5 ing, ed sentences in your books which you could use to describe your journey through the corridor in the spaceship.
Basic Skills:
- Capital letter
- Full stop
- HFW spelled correctly
Let's apply this...
Verbs - how many can we think of?
Things to help - word mats, images, plans, sentence strips
ing, ed sentences:
- 'ing' verb
- Location
- Comma
- 'ed' verb - what did you do?
- Relevant to travelling through the corridor?
Paragraph 2 -
You know is something is wrong.
You are going to journey through the corridor to the control room.
You need to begin to build up the tension.
Today we are going to produce a paragraph describing our journey through the corridor...
ing, ed sentences:
- 'ing' verb
- Location
- Comma
- 'ed' verb - what did you do?
- Relevant to travelling through the corridor.
Basic Skills:
- Capital letter
- Full stop
- HFW spelled correctly
What might you be doing in the corridor?
Table activity...
Your paragraph...
They don't need to be in this order
Questions to answer...
- What are you doing?
- How do you feel?
- What can you see? (At least 2 things)
- Where do you pass?
- What can you hear?
- How do you know there is danger?
They don't need to be in this order
1. Whiteboards
2. Self Review
3. Books
Sentence types
- ing, ed
- the more, the more
- 2a
- de:de
- 3 ed
Your turn
Red sentence strip - 'ing' verb and phrase
Blue sentence strip - 'ed' verb and phrase
What features can you spot?
As I ran through the corridor, the deafening siren grew louder and louder. The cold, bleak corridors were bright-white, it took my eyes a little while to adjust. Pressing my hand against the recognition pad, I glanced behind me to check if anyone was following. The stench of poisonous gas started to follow me. I placed my thick space suit over my face: the fumes were making it difficult for me to breathe. The more I thought about the dangers, the more I wished I was still at home. Worried, scared and frightened, I ran closer to the control room. Running towards the locked doors, I gasped at the panic that was surrounding me. The lights started flickering, I new something was wrong, I felt like I was in a horror movie. Exhausted and nervous, sweating and panicked, I still carried on the dangerous mission.
Thursday 2nd February 2017
L.O. To use the past progressive tense.
To use ing, ed sentences accurately
Our Turn...
Basic Skills:
- Capital letter
- Full stop
- HFW spelled correctly
Let's write one together, what might you be doing in the corridor?
ing, ed sentences:
- 'ing' verb
- Location
- Comma
- 'ed' verb - what did you do?
- Relevant to being in the Space Station?
1. Check yours
2. Check your partners
ing, ed sentences
Running through the connecting corridor, I
stopped to look closely at the Space Station map.
What features can you spot?
Your turn...
Can you write a sentence in the past progressive tense?
ing, ed sentences
As Y6 writers, we need to write complex sentences which use the past progressive tense - we can do this by using ing, ed sentences.
Share with your partner - does it have 'was' and ''?
What is the past progressive tense?
It indicates continuing action, something that was happening, going on, at some point in the past.
Here's an ending
_____________________________________, I pressed my hand against the automatic recognition pad.
Here's an opener...
Running towards the locked door, _____________________________
Holding my hands out in front of me,