Defined as the unique cultural identity of a people based on a common language, religion, and national symbols.
Napoleon (inadvertently) spreads Nationalism in Europe
1.) by making themselves hated oppressors
- creates patriotism in opposition...
2.) by showing what a nation in arms could do
Continental System
- Nationalist movements arose in German states
(where Enlightenment/Revolutionary principles had spread)
Napoleon's Grand Empire
- Britain was a problem! (navy too strong)
- Napoleon tries to defeat with Continental System
- an attempt the prevent British goods from reaching the European continent in order to weaken Britain economically & destroy its capacity to wage war.
Napoleon demanded obedience but allowed equality, religious toleration, & economic freedom
(Remember for later)
Composed of;
- French Empire
- Dependent States
- Allied States
Domestic Policies of Emperor Napoleon
"the French Revolution is not finished so long as the scourge of war lasts. . . I want peace, as much to settle the present French government as to save the world from chaos."
- Napoleon
- Reconciled with Catholic Church through Concordat of 1801
- New Code of Laws (from 300 to 7 codes)
- Most Important - Civil Code
- preserves revolutionary gains
- principle of equality before the law
- religious toleration
- abolition of serfdom & feudalism, and
- right to choose own profession
- protects property & individual rights
- restores control of fathers over families
- STEP BACK for women, children
Growing Despotism?
- Shut down 60 of 73 newspapers
- Government officials opened the mail
The French Bureaucracy
- centralization of administration
- Eliminated elected assemblies on local level
- Appointed Prefects to run localities & were responsible to central gov't
- Systematic & efficient system of tax collection
- New aristocracy based on merit
- Demonstrated abilities determined promotion in civil & military offices
The Age of Napoleon
Domestic Policies of Emperor Napoleon
Rise of Napoleon
- Born in Corsica, 1769 as "Napoleone Buonaparte"
- Commissioned a lieutenant in 1785
- Self-educated;
- Enlightenment philosophy
- Military tactics
- Rose quickly through military ranks
- Won confidence of his men
- Charm, energy, decisiveness, ate with his men
- (Read primary source, Spielvogel, 588)
- Led attack against Egypt (rather than Britain)
- Fled, abandoned his men
- Partook in coup of the Directory
(after fall of Directory)
- First Consul, controls executive government
- First Consul for life, 1802
- Crowned Emperor Napoleon I, 1804
(start of Napoleonic Empire)
Napoleon's Empire & the European Response
1799, Napoleon comes to power & France is fighting Second European Coalition...
Napoleon wants peace... (Peace of Amiens, 1802)
War renews in 1803 against Britain, which was then joined by Austria & Prussia (Third Coalition)
By 1807, Napoleon's Grand Army had defeated the Continental members of the coalition, leading to...
Fall of Napoleon
Invaded Russia, 1812
- Why? they defected from Continental System
- 600,000 men
- Russians rarely fought, burned own villages instead
- Problems: Heat, disease, winter, costly victory at Borodino
- Lost 30,000 men & had no supply replacements nearby
- Napoleon forced to abandon Moscow--"Grand Retreat"
- 40,000 men reached Paris, January, 1813
Defeated by coalition, April 1814
- Exiled to Elba, (restore Bourbon monarchy in Louis XVII)
- Escapes, gets military support for 100 day reign
- Defeated at Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815
- Exiled to St. Helena, dies 1821
Conservative - holding to traditional attitudes and values & cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
The Congress of Vienna was followed by a brief time in which conservative political forces controlled most of Europe
The Peace Settlement
- Quadruple Alliance: Great Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia
- Congress led by Austrian, Prince Klemens von Metternich
- Principle of legitimacy - restore pre-Napoleonic monarchs to throne
- WHY? to reestablish peace & stability
- Already done in Spain (Ferdinand VII), France (Louis XVII), & many Italian states
- New Balance of Power
- GOAL: Prevent any one country from dominating Europe
- Maintain peace & prevent war
Congress of Vienna
Review for Test 3!