Influencing Minds
- The approach was largely shaped by the "heady" theorists during the Progressive Era, such as...
- Lucy Sprague Mitchell, was determined to create schools that supported and enhanced children's growth and development
- She believed it was important to understand how students learn and their interests
- Focusing on the child as a whole
- Emphasizes importance of the use of open-ended materials
- Diversity is celebrated and self-expression is encouraged
- Teachers aim to meet children "where they are"
- emphasis on concepts of social interactions and scaffolding
- Zone of Proximal development
Theorists' Contributions
Shapiro & Biber (1972) believed that teachers should be attuned to students' needs and what the child brings to the classroom in the following areas:
- Social
- Intellectual
- Achievement gaps
- Fears
- Joys
- John Dewey
- "Vehicle of social justice"
- Democratic social justice
The Explicit Purpose:
To educate teachers and children within an educational frame which brings together concepts from dynamic and developmental psychologists and progressive educational theorists and practitioners (Shapiro & Biber, 1972)
- Why? Compatible and complimentary
Philosophy of Developmental-Interaction Approach
- Focus on human development
- Interaction within a world with people and materials
- Building a democratic community
- Based upon humanistic values
Overview of Developmental-Interactive Approach
- Born out of developmental psychology and the Progressive Education movement in the early 20th Century
- Influenced by many familiar early educational theorists
- Closely identified with Bankstreet College of Education
Developmental-Interaction Approach
By: Nealy Lawley
ECE 513
Jacksonville State University