Exhibit 1 Sure Grow Fertilizer Sales
Sold 10 tonnes of micronutrients in 2002 Sold over 100 tonnes in 2003
Offering excellent customer service
Low turnover rate in regards to customer
Dealer for a company that sells a complete line of Micronutrients
Problem/Oppurtunity Recognition
Len Dow has noticed that profit margin is 6 percent and wants to see that number to be higher.
SWOT Analysis Weaknesses
- The total market for fertilizer in Sure-Grow's trading areas has been remarkably stable at approximately 50,000 tonnes for the past several years
- Purchase price for product and equipment is high to develop liquid nitrogen, There would have to be a capacity upgrade equipment cost of $16710
- Farmers are not aware of micronutrients benefits as university of Guelf doesn't recommend the use of the product
SWOT Analysis- Strengths Continued
- 500 tons of fertilizer sold in northern Ontario
- Northern Ontario Purchases in winter will not affect spring sales.
- Most farmers use University of Guelph to determine application rate and sure grow has a graduate from University of Guelph
- Offers two types of Micronutrients that caters to both dealers and farmers
- 100 tonnes of micronutrients was sold to dealers
- Use of the product results in a revenue increase of 2200% per acre
- Three dealers in Northern Ontario